Rwby god of light and darkness fanfiction. A pure white dress appeared around her body, while a half-blue and half-white bow tie appeared in her hair. Sep 14, 2023 · A tale of bones and dust by Kegila reviews. " Nov 9, 2023 · OCs: Sapphire Rose, Opal Grimm Rose, Jade Rose (Ruby’s blue and white twin, Grimm twin, and wolf faunus twin) Ashlyn Rose (Ruby’s lavender twin) Noir Schnee, Morí Grimm Schnee, Rosa Schnee (Weiss’s black and orange twin, Grimm twin, and cat faunus twin) Blanc Belladonna, Blaise Grimm Belladonna, Violet Belladonna (Blake’s white twin Oct 27, 2019 · Another God of Light, the Traveler, sees her heart and soul and gifts Ruby the unbreakable body she needs to let her Light shine through the Darkness. Bang. It was decided that Team RYPJ would get some sleep before unpacking. One that has feed off of humanity's evil and Greed. During all of this, watching from the darkness was Slate Skek, as he watched his plan and ambitions fall to pieces before him. If your kind has learned to live in harmony with one another and set aside their differences, then we New Gods of Remnant By: NeonZangetsu. The relics have finally been gathered and the Gods of Light and Darkness return to the world of Remnant. Light then clasp his Jul 25, 2019 · Fear The Darkness By: BlackDragonDevilGod. Pairing is undecided. He then turned back into his humanoid form, and came closer to them. The numbers were dwindling, and a howl caught his attention. Ruby awakens in a plane of white, divine voices speak to her, offering a new chance to beat Salem. Apr 1, 2024 · RWBY was created by the late Monty Oum! Remnant: Rise of the Grimm and The Bearers of Light. However, after Salem's failed rebellion, his brother wiped out Humanity and the two departed the world for parts unknown. Kratos held the weapon by its blade before impaling himself letting blood gush out everywhere. In-character. DECADE DESTROYER OF WORLD. " "So, what will you be doing now?" Light inquired, "They are your creations, after all. Everyone knows the Grimm are humanity's worst enemy. Darkness loomed before his students, as they all stared at him. Eventually, the dust cleared, and the teens' new forms were revealed in full. " Yin explained. Shocked by the sight of its brother's death, the god of light acted in anger as massive waves of energy came for Kojirou on all sides. The two brothers of Light and Darkness stood a little ways away from Jaune waiting patiently for him to wake up, they didn't have to wait long for the young knight begins to stir. "This should do…" Black Alice snapped her fingers. Long ago, they left their creations behind and departed to parts unknown, never to return. They are born with a purpose. The legend. Darkness was sitting crosslegged in the air, watching the argument go back and forth. Death of Darkness By: D211. Doing otherwise would have been very dangerous, for there were holes in the floor where the timber had given way to age. 1100th time Apr 15, 2018 · God of Light – Older brother to the Twin Gods (RWBY Owned) God of Darkness – Youngest Brother of the Twin Gods (RWBY Owned) Ignis (Latin for Fire) – God of fire and the Sun who gifted the universe with the light and warmth of his fire that protected life from darkness. Dying once had been enough for me, but somebody out there disagreed. In this new world of dust and aura, a necromancer will have to create a place for himself. From a world of swords and magic comes an aspiring necromancer. Fascinating. GAIM TURN INTO A GOD. " Darkness almost looked relieved. A bandit crash to a wall where he lost consciousness, Naruto started to run at them. Apr 28, 2024 · Clover, Summer, and Pyrrha get revived by an unknown third god, the elder sibling of the gods of Darkness and Light, who sends them back in time to before Salem and Ozma's daughters died, to make sure the four of them stay alive, and don't get murdered by their psycho mother. " The Brother of Light held power of Creation while the Brother of Darkness held the power of Destruction. Feb 8, 2020 · The Two Brothers were translucent humanoid beings with featureless faces. Along with more red eyes. To be concluded after the conclusion of RWBY. Quite fascinating indeed. "I've got it!" he exclaimed with glee. (God of Darkness): This is The Domain of Light, in comparison to my Land of Darkness's Evernight or Everdark, l also sometimes referred to as Everday or Everlight, a simple, straightforward, somewhat eccentric way to emphasize their antithesis relationship. " "There are guardians, beings that could barely be called gods in the first place. " "If it's worth anything…," Legacy of War. "God of Darkness. "Mom?" asked Ruby as Summer appeared from the light. "You really don't care about my sins What happens when you take a bored god, and a loser who REALLY wants to be a hero. " Yin said "The story goes back to when dust was created for humans to fight the grimm. Let's do something completely irresponsible. " Naruto told the God flatly as it nodded its head. 400th time. "To the socially awkward" said Jaune, Ruby turns around seeing that he's still looking down with his hoodie, she decided to secretly flip his hoodie. Jaune just kept his eyes on his tray, as he messed with his food with his fork. The dragon was Cinder's ally, so whoever—or whatever—killed it would also be her enemy. "The gods cursed Salem," he said, "I can only imagine that only they can undo the curse. , Summer R. This is a tale of ambition, betrayal, delusion and corruption. No! No, she can't be dead! There's—There's that strange light, and the Grimm dragon being killed. And in truth, they did. Once Jaune hadn't fallen asleep, Darkness didn't have much reason to keep watching him. "Damn me," Yang then declared softly, before turning in one direction, knowing Darkness was right. With a sigh, Darkness slipped into his own dragon form. With a roar, Darkness reached out his claw at the form of light, releasing tendrils of dark energy from his palm. Some of them were starting to think they'd never see him again, and yet here he was, in front of them. "I'M BORED" the one represent the dark complain. " Light a Candle, Curse the Darkness By: Ya Boy Guzma. The God of Light explicitly warned Ozma that Salem was no longer the woman that he knew. I have an opening using the same song. In the beginning of Remnant, there existed two deities: a pair of brothers. It's not that the God of Light is dumb, careless, evil, or even indifferent. He is the cause of light and creation in the world of Remnant, and one of the creators of humanity with his brother, the God of Darkness. " As I told you, I cannot undo the spells of my brother's creation," he explained , "The most I can do is extract the worst of their magic, though the blight itself is still present. Jaune Arc Meets up with his old friend Yang, hoping to convince her to help aid him and the rest of humanity against the coming attack of the dark brother, however, Yang still is at war with Salem, causing yang to Make a difficult choice as well as Jaune. O. Ozpin watched as the shadows formed into the shape of a man, cloaked in violet darkness. Oh well, death seemed nice anyway. Eons ago in a mystical realm known as the Ever After, two beings emerged from the Great Tree that was located at the center; a pair of brothers, one being a purple lamb and the other being a yellow fawn. Darkness continued to pursue the force through the trees, and while it was nimble, the god was determined to stop this ridiculous chase. Then again, he never thought that his friends would leave him to die. " The God of Light stared at his brother for a long moment before responding, "Fuck it why not" RWBY volume 9 belongs to Rooster Teeth(I do not own anything of this content)Watch the episode at Crunchyroll So they decided to rest their beings on earth each with their respective pools of light and darkness. This is a tale of bones and dust. Salem manipulate the God of Darkness; the four huntresses saw this and they were not pleased with Salem. The God of Light is one of the two Gods who created Remnant and the older brother of the God of Darkness. Many thousands of years ago humanity lived in peace with me and my brother the God of Darkness. Their true names unknown, they would eventually come to be known as the God of Darkness and the God of Light respectively. The two both tipped their hands down, as gold liquid dripped from Light's palms, and purple liquid from Darkness'. As it turned out, she was now a chosen one of the God of Darkness, she was being told that the story of the Maidens was all true, and that Ozpin wanted her to inherit the mantle of the Fall Maiden. They both had the eerie aura of power around them, so different from that which accompanied the Olympians "There is multiple different gods at different levels, but unlike mortals. Ruby turned towards the gathering presence over them, a flash of dark purple. However, after Salem's failed rebellion, he instead chose to exterminate Humanity before departing the world with his brother, blasting through Oct 18, 2015 · The Darkness and all related characters are owned by Top Cow. That caused his teammates to look at him with some concern, but the sound of commotion nearby seized their attention. "THERE IS NOTHING AT ALL COMPLICATED OF WALKING WITH FOUR LEGS," he said. In yellow, read below. In that… Feb 29, 2020 · Vale, Remnant, The entire city of Vale was in a panic as an unprecedented earthquake shook the people who ran for safety, the same could be said for the hunter academy known as Beacon, where the first-year students were running around like headless chickens, the other higher year students were a little more composed as they led the younger hunters out of Beacon and to help stabilize the city Their feud literally ended up with the God of Darkness creating Grimm in the first place to destroy his elder brother's creation. "Another pair of gods, light and dark… capable of creating a planet out of nothing, and filling it with life… if I had encountered them earlier…" Of Gods and Losers By: snakeboy33. A classmate of their's, Cardin Winchester, was yanking on the ear of a Faunus girl, whom they remembered was named Velvet. His efforts are awarded to travel of another world ripe for conquest and where he found a child carrying divine blood of the gods. Getting in the personal space of some thug, Naruto grab him without losing momentum continued running. She pondered if Darkness would be able to answer such a matter. "I said, "I see your hiding behind the punch bowl too"" said Jaune. Aging. The God of Darkness is kind of a prick, though. He removed his limbs, one. After emerging from the tree's blossoms, the two Brothers used their What happens when you take a bored god, and a loser who REALLY wants to be a hero. Darkness and Jaune were walking down the Beacon sidewalk when, when a question came to Jaune's mind. In his death, his wish for a second chance will be granted, but it is to be lived out in a world he knows nothing In red, the Land of Darkness. "Very well. She's been casted out into the realm of the gods and sent her to Remnant where her astral body is trapped inside of a human-vessel as a punishment. GHOST DESTROY THE GANMIZER. He refused. Naruto + RWBY Crossover. He is the epitomy of everything Ruby Rose has swore to destroy and defeat, in order to help her master, Galbatorix Ever-Night, The God of Darkness, overthrow them and free Remnant of their influence. One sword vanished from his hand as he held the remaining one with both. They then traveled to the Realm of Darkness to ask the God of Darkness to bring back Ozma. "And Cinder Fall and Summer Rose, we shall give you both a little more freedom by allowing you to switch between your forms," said The God of Darkness as Cinder was engulfed in a dark light. "Ah. Especially when he wakes up finding out that the Grimm worship him as their God. KABUTO HYPER FORM. This story is abandoned, and is being rewritten under the name The Fool's Dice. Volume 1. I only own this story, my characters, ideas, and my version of friends. And, to Cinder's shock, a creature appeared. Sienna Khan. The two Gods stood in his Beacon office, staring open mouthed at him. A New Chance (OLD) By: SniperTheNoodle. The God of Darkness was lean, purple, and slender and had ram horns on his heads. Feb 2, 2022 · God of Light (RWBY) Sateen Gen; God of Darkness (RWBY) Torture; Blood and Gore; Swearing; Abuse; Half-Death; Alternate Universe; Volume 8 (RWBY) Bumbleby - Freeform; Summary. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Jaune A. The God of Light was tall, yellow, and muscular with deer antlers on his head. "Unfortunately I can't tell you," Oz answered, "For all my lives, I've never bonded with one with silver eyes. It was impressive in deed, especially since it was constructed without magic; looking around, though, Darkness thought it seemed… incomplete. It would have killed her as well, meaning that Pyrrha and Ruby would still be alive. The God of Light said as Naruto expression softened before it came stern. Yang stared at the crossroads, chewing on her lip, before she slammed her scaled arm on one of the handlebars. And, so, it is written that long before the Histories were put to parchment, or to the Scriptures, the Gods did dwell alongside their children on the world. Of course he wasn't here to help, so…. As there was barely any light down here, several people activated magical lights to illuminate their path. Shi Haung Ren and the girls looked at each other, but didn't bother protesting with their god. You get a very strange set of circumstances, and something more than just ensuing hijinks. The 'Hero of Destiny' that could control the light AND the darkness, and the only mortal whose immeasurable potential could surpass even the gods. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR, God of Darkness - Chapters: 90 It lunges forwards, so I boreally toss the pebble into the puddle. Darkness interrupted, now looking up. Learning of their mission she joins the group, hoping to use the relics to reunite with her brothers. In Blue, the location of the Domain of Light. Darkness fell to one knee, as he held up his hand to the wound. "I am," Darkness answered, as he folded his arms behind his back, "So…" Fall. These entities were powerful beings that held abilities that would be seen as "God-Like. Sasuke Uchiha died in his battle against Naruto in the Valley of End, but he then conjures up every wrong that he has done, every person that he killed, every life that he ruined. The God of Light is one of the two overarching antagonists (alongside the God of Darkness) of the RWBY franchise. "Easy for you to say!" Jaune "said". " "The gods," Pyrrha muttered, causing them to all remember their teacher, or perhaps their former teacher. "Hild can sense approximately twenty monsters in the ship," Hild said, her eyes radiating white light. Jaune opens his eyes only to be blinded by the bright sun, having to blink multiple times just to get his sight back. Magical energy swirled in the space between them, as a slight glowing fluid floated out of the injury. "God – was born"… that should have been an obvious clue! "Hmm, a new god needs fitting attire," Black Alice, the new Goddess of Chaos, said. Aug 30, 2023 · In a vast ocean of space, there is float two being of immense power. Heartbroken and mortified he shank into himself, his feelings of sorrow and anguish boiling over. When Pyrrha decided to go Beacon, she was doing it under the assumption that it be an otherwise normal experience. The Elder Brother of Light and the Younger Brother of Darkness. KUUGA FINAL FIGHT. Nora and Ren were pulled over to the side of the room, doing everything they could to avoid being pulled into the argument. The power of the God of Darkness, passed down through Salem after falling into the Pools of Darkness, washed over him. make them react to. I believe you know. But then again, Arcs are always destined to defy death. " Feb 7, 2020 · First published Feb 05, 2020. At one time, Light and Darkness peacefully co-existed. Inspired by Game of Thrones. Kojirou had slain another god and another dragon. I was inspired by the Skeksis and the UrRu (Mystics) from Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal to come up with this theory. For the Land of Darkness, I had concluded it had to be the northern part of the continent, as not only is it closer to Solitas and therefore closer to Atlas, allowing Salem to get there with her Grimm Army as quickly as she did. Mar 27, 2021 · Kali Belladonna. That only left the god of light. "The Relics have been assembled," declared the God of Darkness, his voice resonating powerfully. Despite almost dying, Malekith the Witch King, still set out to learn the secrets of the Chaos realms. When they got out, a sizable crowd had gathered outside, escorting the White Fang outside, including Corsac and Fennec. " "Let's start of at the shallow end of the near infinite ocean of divinity. , OC - Chapters: 43 - Words: 71,776 - Reviews: 98 - Favs: 323 Without a word, he tipped his head as the creatures surrounded him, and he lunged, bringing the blade around with ferocity as he cut down one of them with ease, dodging swipes and bites and in turn, slicing off limbs and heads. "Wwwell, "Ruby said slowly, "I figured that since your a god, you're keeping track of my crimes and misdeeds. " Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Magic: The Gathering (I'm only using the Auramancer card as a transformation for my character). "Oh, yeah" said Ruby. I had other ideas. At least, that's what his mom said. Who knew where Darkness had gone now. When Humanity eventually resurfaced, he left them four Relics that, if brought together, would summon him and his brother The God of Darkness is one of the two Gods who created Remnant and the younger brother of the God of Light. After awaking to find her brothers no longer on Remnant, she sets out on a journey and stumbles upon Team RWBY. The Story of the Avatars Of Light and Darkness. Evil, Druchii Ruby. This may seem like a cop out, but a natural, yet long drawn out pregnancy would've dragged the plot down; this way, I can keep the primary conflict going, while allowing this side conflict to play out and move on. With a final slash, the god of darkness was no more. The five women traveled to the God of Light's realm to ask the God of Light to bring back Ozma for Salem. Rated: Fiction T - English - Fantasy Initiation Part 1. " He said the last one with finger guns, like he was talking to a buddy! He broke his bones. The dust then glowed, as the God of Light fell to one knee, and reached down to it. " "God of Darkness. "Called back to the world of man, we shall now pass judgment. 756th time. But, in Mankind's greed the leaders of Old Arcadia did try to climb "Spider-Man…Also known as Peter Parker, and the Avatar of the Great Weaver, creator of the Web of Life and Destiny. Jaune Arc was been expelled from Beacon due to not passing the exam, while he was walking down the streets after saying he's a big failure to his very own family, the boy was been transported into a dark and empty space where he met the God of Darkness, the God himself offers him a job to become the next God of Make team RWBY and friend react to Kamen rider over power moment. Knowing that he couldn't last forever, the Guardian decided to take his powers and split them into four separate pieces. Prologue "You disappoint me," she said. Being a Silver Slayer, the God of Light is frightened of Ruby’s existence, and wishes to see her eliminated to ensure he remains in power. Light said, "You and I both saw one of them at the Academy. Cover art by KegiSpringfield. I'm now up to Volume 7, which should hopefully reduce my chance of making mistakes with RWBY lore (but if you spot any, please point them out). "Most don't know except for a few people, my uncle is one of them. Our heroes' worst fears have finally been realized: Salem is here, and the timing couldn't be worse for the divided Kingdom of Atlas. Destiny said that Roman Torchwick would die at the Fall of Beacon. "You're… you're back," Weiss said. Her words, though simple, were ice cold and pierced Tyrian like three sharp blades. But before they pass judgment upon all life, Ruby Rose has something to say to them One-shot. " Ruby's brow furrowed at that, as Jaune put a hand around her shoulder, as she leaned closer to him. It was getting closer, and closer, and closer…. The Child of Light & Darkness. "I'm a victim," Weiss declared. One. Follow the adventures of Atreus and his team of comrades in the world of Remnant to discover the past of Kratos' life in a destroyed world and define the future of their lives in this new world. Arc 1: The Marked Warrior. He felt stronger, more durable and filled with an aggression that had him longing to rip and tear. Battle at the Docks. All at once his emotions spilled out of him, spewing forth as he wailed in grief. The creature visibly ripples and stops its charge, but looks mostly unharmed. " "What is the story of the Avatars of Light and Darkness?" Ozpin asked The story of the God of Light and the God of Darkness is a religion within RWBY, though several prominent characters such as Ozpin and Qrow Branwen believe it is true. Rated: Fiction M - English - Family/Humor - Ruby R. "Hey Darkness," he said, "I was wondering something. She would. He initially resided in the Domain of Light. OMA ZI-O FIRST AND FINAL EP. They are the darkness and humans and fauns are the light. That all changed one day many centuries ago. The general gist was Weiss attacking the White Fang, with Blake defending it. Example. As the light of Remnant's fragmented moon shined in the darkness of the night, the blue horrified eyes of a blond boy the age of eight watched the village at the bottom of the hill he was standing on was covered by roaring flames that burned a cruel red as its acrid smoke The God of Light then held out his hand, and after a moment, the God of Darkness did the same. Ruby was now a wyvern with dark red scales, with her neck, torso, and broad wings lined with bright red rose petals. "You've grown so much since I last saw you," said Summer before hugging her daughter. Both had traveled long and far to see if there were any at all like them, but to no avail. "Yeah, right" Ruby then flips the hoodie up, revealing that it's Jaune with the demonic face Darkness stopped in front of her. Reincarnation would have been fine if they hadn't put me in the head of Vale's greatest thief, a dead man walking. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - [Neo, Pyrrha N. Yet, when a vengeful goddess catapults an unlikely team of shinobi through time, Remnant gains new gods. " She said with a small, devious smile on In my society, those gods are just one of many stories, and I never really paid that much attention to them…" Ilias looked down at the counter, brow furrowed in thought. What happens when you take a bored god, and a loser who REALLY wants to be a hero. God of Light (RWBY) God of Darkness (RWBY) Salem - Character; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Sequel to Face My Fears; Everyone Needs A Hug; Angst; Hope; Switching Perspectives; Hurt/Comfort; Complicated amnesia; they get their girl back; Salem is a jerk; Panic Attacks; from bad to worse; cleansing; Ruby's finally healing; My own lore Light and Darkness, the Brother Gods, had returned. Darkness then turned his attention to the dragons, who again were stumbling over their own feet. EX AID HYPER MUTEKI. 918th time. AGITO PUNCH THE OVERLORD OF DARKNESS. He swung the blade at Athena and she stepped back, but for better or worse she was not the target. ] [God of Light, Ozpin] - Chapters: 4 - Words: 7,780 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 82 - Updated: 7/26/2021 - Published: 1/19/2021 - id: 13799475 Without Sin By: Jedi Alex Colbent. Eventually, Xander began to feel the imperfections of the brothers. A being, older, stronger and more ancient then even Ozpin, Salem, the Grimm and even the brother gods themselves. May 17, 2023 · The brothers sat in silence for another 50 human years before the Brother God of Darkness quickly rose to his feet. But, they are wrong. It's overall body is skeletal, with a face like a skull with empty Kratos says getting the sword up and letting his power run through it as the blade was now surrounded by blue flames. In order to repay for her sin, her brothers sets her in a The big development is Ruby and Weiss find out more about their "expectants", and Darkness offering to help. Fight between combatants are 30 meters apart. On the other side of the room the shadows split to reveal the light behind them, those strands forming another man beside the first. I have far more important things to consider than that," Darkness interrupted again. Eventually, with Jaune's guidance (which was to say, with Darkness' guidance), he, Ruby, and Penny 12 votes, 14 comments. Returning them to the light god for safe keeping. " "I thought that to be an anomaly, that the force of time eventually claimed them," Darkness muttered, "But there is no doubting it now, if two remain, then they all most remain. At least, they appear to be gods. The Goddess of Empty fell into a deep sleep when she saves humanity from a gruesome fate. "I am a god of chaos. The Goddess of Empty (older sister to the Gods of Light and Darkness) fell into a deep sleep when she saves humanity from a gruesome fate. The werewolf-like monstrosity makes its way into frame just as the pebble hits the puddle with a splash, sending a ripple throughout. But also, brought the destructive and unrelenting power of flames. 1. Win via death or incap. Both sides are at their best. Oh. I will capitalise "Dust", to distinguish it from the regular kind of dust. The God of Light watches Ozma closely as he continues the explanation that had brought Ruby down this path to begin with, "If brought together, these four Relics will summon my brother and I back to your world, and humanity will be judged. Born in light the child may be, but Malekith saw greater potential turning it to darkness. " With that, the god winked away. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Adventure - Team RWBY, Team STRQ, Team RNJR - Chapters: 6 - Words: 12,778 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 29 G. "What about the Spirits?" Blake asked, "We've met Jinn, but there are still three other High Spirits out there. While not outright destructive like his brother, the God of Light chose to curse Salem with Darkrai smirked behind the red, teeth-like growth around his neck and said "he will not disappoint you, and as a warning, do not think of betraying us, you may be the most powerful entity in your world, but I have met beings even your gods of light and darkness would cower in fear of" said Ruby. We are asumming everyone is fighting in an environment where everyone's powers can work properly. He initially resided in the Land of Darkness alongside his creations, the Creatures of Grimm. Ozma learned the hard way that that was indeed the truth. A white outline surrounds the wolf. " "*sigh* I had a suspicion this question would arrive soon," Darkness answered, "Well, the meaning of life is…" "Oh no!" Jaune said quickly, "Not that. All because of one mistake. Light Bro was definitely pissed at that, yet the way he decided to settle things was not continuing the fight against each other or destroying his younger brother, but working together in harmony to create something With that, the group departed the building, Darkness reassuming his mortal avatar in the process. "I should not need to tell you what do. Turns out they weren't. , OC, Vex - Chapters: 15 - Words: 61,365 - Reviews: 288 - Favs: 642 - Follows: 778 - Updated: 8/17/2022 - Published: 10/27/2019 - id . Something happened that forever changed Salem, and she was pulled in, corrupted by the darkness she embodied, becoming the wicked thing she is now. As he always had, he stamped down on it, enforcing control. " Ozpin said. The liquids combined, pooling and soaking into the dust. When the Goddess of Light and Darkness made a mistake just to save a woman who stood up against her brothers. Prologue : In the beginning of time there was nothing but Void and Darkness, That when God said ''Let there be light. First Day. Also, I decided to stop capitalising "aura" and "semblance", to keep them consistent with similar terms such as "magic". So I…" "I could literally not care less about your petty mortal actions. Made him drown in the same black liquid his Grimm spawned from. "haah then why don't you help me create a new world for us to play in" light has been long run out of patience of his brother complaints. Using the thug as a shield he evades the bullet for him, the shot wouldn't kill him but his legs won't work forever. Some say the Gods forsook Remnant. Jul 5, 2020 · God of Grimm's By: FunbariVoid. A dark purple, four-legged dragon with two wings whose membranes are frayed and dotted with multiple holes in them, and even more ornately spiraled horns. They knew their duties and performed them. Of Gods and Losers By: snakeboy33. " Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Adventure - [God of Darkness, Jaune A. gods they are, one represent the light, and one represent the dark. ICHIGO AND NIGO TANK A NUKE Nov 25, 2019 · Of Gods and Losers By: snakeboy33. Jaune never thought he'd die like this. they see you as small and helpless. So enjoy that and the chapter. " "Using Remnant as an example, they had the brothers of light and darkness. Chapter 1: Marked. When he can finally see, his eyes instantly land Bang. "I never heard of that story. they see you as just a child Aug 17, 2019 · The god brothers are now fighting with Nasuverse's top ranking beings. By. " The God of Darkness turned to him instantly, sensing the change. The force of the magic kicked up the dust, as Darkness just watched his champions go through the transformation. ] Ruby R. D. He sawed him in half. And, for a time it was good. The older brother was the God of Light, and the younger was the God of Darkness. "Tell me what has happened in your world before I agree to anything. ''and thus there it was the Light and God saw that the light was good and so separated the light from the dark. To that end, he allowed himself to wander out of the building, where he surveyed Beacon some. or RWBY, RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth. vh cb ae pj nl qj kk aq qs er