Veeam setup engine some jobs are still running. Description: All of these VMs are from 3 different hosts.
Veeam setup engine some jobs are still running Feb 9, 2024 · The backup job defines how, where and when to back up VM data. Oct 17, 2024 · Describe the bug Backup Jobs are not disabled before the Upgrade Starts, resulting in a Failed Upgrade "Error] Some jobs are still running. So, Two questions. To learn more, see Backup Job. Sep 23, 2024 · A reboot fixed the problem for some time (backup resumed), until the jobs got stuck again. On the Backup Job page you can see it’s been renamed. 0. is there a workaund here? Apr 29, 2021 · A Veeam Windows Agent backup managed by my B&R11 (community license) server has been frozen since February 27. The application group provides a fully functional work for a host or a group of hosts that is created by Veeam Agent to test your backup. However other backup copy jobs that were running before and now failing with timeout issues. Jobs can be started manually or scheduled to run automatically at a specific time. As soon as I disable this Backup Job, i can start the Sure Backup Job. The job will still be in running status. Dec 5, 2023 · Cannot start Surebackup job to the latest restore point as some linked jobs are still running SureBackup jobs using Hyper-V-based virtual labs fail to process agent backups, displaying the error: Exception of type 'System. Mar 24, 2013 · Someone else also suggested starting the Backup Copy job when the regular backups start so it can start copying the new restore points offsite while the other jobs are still running to save time. I created another job backing up (almost) all the same VM's as the job that fails to run. Feb 28, 2017 · Hello, I'm sure this is a stupid thing I could not see, but from some months ago, on my Veeam B&R console (v10. Is anyone able to confirm if they have had a similar experience with Veaam jobs Nov 22, 2010 · It does not matter if the jobs overlap, the v6 scheduling engine will never run more jobs concurrently than your backup infrastructure allows. These jobs are run twice a day. I know appliance based backups like Datto and Quorum are big but Veeam is still my go to. I have set-up a proxy at the remote end that links back to our main backup server and have set-up replication jobs. I see two types of customers: Run a default next-next-finish install with the defaults → Basically these customers would not care if a SQL Express of PostgreSQL is installed but just follow the wizard and use whatever comes per default. 2015-12-31 15:26: Not necessarily true. Jun 6, 2023 · Just as Shane has noted if you are using Continuous replication, you should not have overlap of backup jobs with that process as it will cause the issues you are seeing. iso. Seems that when we fix something it completely breaks some other jobs. Note which jobs were already disabled so you know which ones may not need to be enabled later. Apr 3, 2023 · Once all the mailboxes are saved, I will set up a backup job in Veeam B&R for this VM Thanks again, I suppose this is a better way to handle this task locally than going the "jet engine" way (I already got some problems with the jet engine on the old veeam server = memory usage and cpu usage) Early this year we replaced all our ESX Servers and Nimble storage arrays, so we have some unused equipment that I think we can better utilize to support a better Veeam setup. 837 P20210401. This was working when I created it a few days ago, but every time after that it has failed on the "Starting virtual lab routing engine. Top Level VMs like the mail-server and the DC are replicated via Veeam from one Hypervisor to another one. Currently it cannot process more than one level of job hierarchy: primary job 1 > backup copy job 1 ( primary job 1 a source ) is possible, but backup copy job 1 > backup copy job 2 (backup copy job 1 [ primary job 1 a source ]) is not. It is strongly recommended that you install the Veeam Backup & Replication console using Autorun or the Setup. However in the future our environment is expected to grow exponentially (about 6/8 backup proxies and 400/500 VMs) and then running mutiple VMs backups simultaneous from one job instead of creating an huge number of jobs would be handy. Jun 5, 2009 · Both work perfectly well for manually scheduled jobs, but simply don't run any scheduled jobs. Jun 28, 2013 · I am running 2 seperate Quick Migration jobs from 1 site to another. Sep 14, 2015 · Setup application should not be launched in compatibility mode. Here is an overview of our setup: Apr 22, 2022 · When Veeam Backup & Replication installer Setup. Other jobs will be simply waiting for proxy and repository resources to free up. Nov 11, 2023 · At the moment we have each VM in separate Backup Job: They are all run in the similar time window: 21:00 and 22:00 In some Veeam documentation I read that its better to group them together because of the simplicity and I/O resources used. net/how-to-kill-veeam-job-stuck-in-stooping-status/), or using the Get-VBRJob Veeam powershell command! Aug 24, 2021 · I check the jobs at some point the next day, and instead of the “Last Run” column showing days, I will see 8 hours ago, 3 hours ago, etc. I know that my version of Windows technically is not supported until B&R 12 with Windows agent version 6 but they have not been released yet. This will have the Recovery Plan run right after the Backup Job completes. Gostev, We are a financial company and have steep requirements for backup testing. if you disable a schedule while the job is running then v6. For example, we have a 1hr RPO job with a 7 day retention, and a 1 day RPO with 30 day retention. The replication job does run either way, but I’d like the initial backup job that kicks off the script to finish without warning. Then, use the New Backup Job wizard to configure the backup job. 5 host in the inventory, and it will be some time before we are able to upgrade it. Anyway, I've tested this in a version 7 install and it doesn't seem to do the same thing as v6. The issue is that tape job starts at 2:30 AM even if the last backup job is still running and the . But it also looks like the job may not have started over. Veeam was setup long before I got here, and previous admin has been long gone. So it looks like just that Jul 30, 2012 · I remember, that maximum run time for the post-job script is 60 minutes. powershell module because i needed to. The point is that we use Veeam Backup Service account to access destination storage. Please also ensure that there are no running jobs, restore sessions, Instant Recovery sessions, and SureBackup jobs. Unfortunately, this job has continued to run into the working hours running over the configured cut off time of 7:00AM, 2 hours before production begins. [Warning] Insert a tape to continue Job HKVM Backup to Tape requires a tape to be added to media pool HKVM Media Pool (Library: HP MSL G3 Series 9. I use VBR in DR side to run failover tasks. I've been using veeam backup and replication for about 4 years on this cluster. We just built out an entirely new Veeam/backup infrastructure a few weeks ago and want to see if anyone has an ideas on how we can improve our speed. The reason why UNC path is being used for the job is the following - mapped drives are per-user (stored in HKCU), so Veeam Backup service account cannot see that drive, you can only see it while being logged on interactively. Instead of discovering this when I get in to work at 8am, I’m wondering if there is a way to get an email if a job is In addtion to dealing with an older version of Veeam, the person who setup the VM that it runs from didn't really give it enough resources and it doesn't have enough resources left over when it's running backups to show me the status in the main B&R application console. " Some are days old and won't clear from the view under "Inventory" / "Last 24 Hours" / "Running (1). Mar 15, 2015 · It's looking like it's -just- this particular job. On the Jobs tab, you can start, stop or retry a job. As per my bit experience I have solved a few issues in my environment by using the Veeam calculator and calculating the size in multiple ways but you can calculate your backup size using the below Veeam calculator and even you can build your scenarios as well. After it finished with the smaller VMs, I can now see, that the backup copy has more backups than the original job, but the total backup size seems equal (so dedup worked ) The current main VM is still running. All the replication jobs are working great and the planned fail over also works fine. Nov 22, 2016 · Hello Shira, looks like one of the jobs was still working keeping files locked from copying. Tape job should retry to copy backups, but if the source job is copying for the long time, the source is to be skipped. Mar 22, 2023 · We have a vCenter 6. Sep 30, 2024 · Did you check the installation logs to see if there is any more details? They are here - C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup Also check the Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel to ensure there is nothing old there that can be removed. Aug 5, 2021 · I've spend some hours now reading the Veeam documentation, the Forum's FAQ, the Veeam forums and "Googeling" around as I am new to replication. When DC1 comes back online, I failback to DC1 from 2nd (DR side) VBR. Veeam has the possibility to set a maintanance windows in the Veeam job, but not the possibility to fail the job when running longer as X hours. Of course using VM Folders to backup is an option for us, we can redesign jobs. Improvements were made in Veeam Backup & Replication 11a P20211123 to reduce the frequency of this issue. Jul 2, 2021 · And it does seem like it helped the jobs autostart issues as about 90% of them seem to be autostarting correctly now after the parent backup jobs run. Their sure backup and the ability to run VMs from backups in disaster scenarios make it awesome. 5 but 1 of 9 still has 5. Now, return to the Backup page, right click your Backup job, click edit, and lets rename it. I would like to start a HP Data Protector job after the last job finishes. Stop all running tasks. Current version: Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 8. This bevavior is new and was not there in V12. Mar 17, 2023 · How to set up? It’s very easy and straightforward to setup. To learn more, see the Creating Application Groups section in the Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide. 1261 P20220302 this was driving me crazy for the last couple of weeks! F5 is not a convenient option for me because another application that is always running binds F5 even if it is not in the foreground. This isn't a bug like the UI listing for running jobs: You can see in the first job that it has the running arrow on it, but the job itself is stopped and not scheduled for another 13 hours or so. This physical server sits on our management network along with our vCenter and ESXi management ports for our production enviroment as well as our management ports for our Nimble arrays. Now the secound incremental job started with 3 VM's same time with a speed of 22 MBs - 30MBs (I splitted the 6 VM's in two jobs because I thought it would be little bit faster then. 2753. Jun 5, 2013 · Due to an oversight on my part, this server had updates installed and was rebooted last night. . Jan 19, 2016 · The wired thing is that I have a incremental job running since 4 am 1TB data which has a speed of 12 MBs and its still running. The SureBackup job uses the above Virtual Lab, no application group, and the job is linked to the backup of VM1. Telling them to stop has no impact, nor does disabling them, stopping Veeam services, SQL services, or rebooting the B&R server. I'm still learning daily new things about it. Jan 25, 2013 · WAN link - although Veeam Support seemed fixated on a WAN link problem this doesn't explain why some jobs succeed. Even if the services are restarted, the entries under "Running" disappear. Sep 7, 2022 · Is there a way to hide these jobs here? But if you then look at the job, you can see that the jobs have already been successfully completed. 5. I have open a support case and uploaded the logs. Feb 1, 2023 · Thanks for the feedback @CarySun , but I disagree - here’s my two cents. I am using Veeam B&R 11. 331. They are approximately 900MB on each VM. The first job is set for high priority which is why that graphic appears there. 2015-12-31 15:26:17 [INFO ] Condition check - passed. Aug 28, 2015 · I got everything configured according to best practices and running through the initial seed right now. Oct 3, 2023 · I have setup a Backup job to begin at 19:30, within the "schedule" options it is set to stop at 07:00AM. But is there a way to get an alert if a Veeam job is still running by a specified time? When our jobs run into errors and don’t complete overnight, we experience network lag that grounds production to a halt. In the release not is mentioned that all jobs have to be finished with "Successful" status: 2. I cannot find anything that shows what proxies are in use for that job though. 00). Ensure that the latest run for all existing jobs has completed successfully. Also, VMware can migrate a VM copy of a failed source server to the remote host without any trouble which suggests that the link is fine. Feb 23, 2023 · Legacy backup copy processes VM as a source while new engine processes jobs. Please stop and disable all jobs, then click Retry" Jul 12, 2016 · On VBR 11. Here's the setup: Backup Copy Job in Periodic copy mode is set to launch the script. Jan 10, 2017 · I can confirm this is still an issue as of build 11. this Feb 27, 2023 · Often I have a user saying they are missing a file, but it could have been deleted anytime in the last 2-3 months etc… I can search a few jobs at different points to make sure it’s there first… (I can also run the auditing software to find out the time it was moved/deleted but it’s still helpful) May 24, 2024 · I haven’t run into this but it does feel like something here manually stopping services/processes may resolve the issue if rebooting the server prior to the update doesn’t. 0u3 but cannot do that with the ESXi 5. THere are no jobs listed under "running" but they show as in progress in the job list. Both source and destination servers have been rebooted since the job was set up. Jan 27, 2025 · Hello, i am quite new to Powershell Scripting, but nontheless i jumped right into veeam. 4. When I click Upgrade, I get the message: Dec 27, 2010 · Brian, Let me shed some light on your issue. I deleted the non-functional job. All Production VMs are running on one EXSi. Jul 28, 2016 · Yes i forgot to check the job status before executing the upgrade. This is a test job I set up when I was first deploying Veeam in the middle of last year and for a while it ran just fine. About 3 weeks ago the backups started failing. Not currently using any proxys, immutable Apr 26, 2013 · Haven't opened a ticket yet. It has impact on virtual machines performance. Feb 13, 2025 · Another job operation is in progress. ps1 file for post job script, but after reading about using exit /b 0 in a . Data is going to tape and all is well. Dec 3, 2022 · I am not sure why there would be a job still running at this point and could really use some help. Using many to one method, 3 WAN accelerator VMs at source so we can run a few jobs in parallel; the one VM at a time per accelerator limitation would not come close to saturating the pipe. Jan 17, 2024 · The reason seems to be, that some of the VMs in the Sure Backup Job are also in a Backup Job which has SQL Server Transaction Log Processing activated. If you run other installation files from the ISO folders, you may miss some components that need to be installed, and the Veeam Backup & Replication console may not work as expected. In our setup, we have a Veeam server and repository that is a VM not domain joined. I've seen the following several times now. The source server has backup jobs running fine. 1261 P20220302, I have numerous jobs that indicate they are "Working" or "Stopping" but the individual job detail indicates they are "Finished. here`s what I am doing - any ideas are appreciated : Nov 26, 2024 · Then we can add the script to the Veeam backup job to run after the job runs. I meant if I cancel the schedule while the job is running, not cancel the job itself while it's running. Rundown of the step: 50 VMs with under 20TB of VM data Mar 23, 2015 · Step B1: Use this script to randomize your Veeam backups via PowerShell AND randomize your Deny rules so that all jobs don't run at midnight. So, I’d check if any of your physical Hyper-V hosts are added as ‘managed servers’ in the VBR console. " Mar 3, 2025 · Try stopping all Veeam services, clearing the job queue by deleting the contents of the streams folder located at C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup365\nats\jetstream\$G, and then restarting the services. A new job set to run every 30 minutes runs as expected. 5 Enterprise Edition on a Windows 7 64-Bit VM. Although I like it that way and never had issues because of it. It resides on a single physical server running VMWare also not domain joined. Apr 13, 2021 · All my backup jobs including replications are super slow after the upgrade from V10 to V11 latest release. All good. To start a job, select the job from the list and click Start. At that point, I copied the files to a HDD, and attempted to run setup from there. May 21, 2013 · I have quadruple checked the chain of jobs and all is correct. 5 setup with 9 hosts. Disable all Jobs. 0) suddenly there were some jobs enabled and others disabled, and if I right-click on any job and try to enable/disable it, the option is greyed out so I could do nothingdoes anybody could help me with this? Aug 10, 2011 · In my setup I have about 10 backup jobs. Please stop and disable all jobs, then try again. 5 CE and my laptop is running Windows 11 22H2. Is there any way to define backup window for jobs and backup/replication jobs pause temporarily? T Hello, I'm running a Veeam O365 backup job with some users, the job still not finish and I was wondering if I can modify and add new users to the job while it is still running, or do I need to wait for it to finish or create another job ? Thanks Dec 18, 2014 · Tape job is configuerd to start at 2:30 AM and I checked "Wait for backup jobs - If some linked backup jobs are still running, wait for up to 60 minutes" on job schedule configuration. or take a gamble and restart anyway, and if the job fails, screws up, leaves the VM running on the snapshot, you'll have to deal with it! and worst case, start the backup again. 200 version and hoped that the new patch would fix that problem, but it seems that the jobs still stalls after some time running. #1 Global Leader in Data Resilience Downloads Jan 17, 2024 · When I try to upgrade, I run the setup file. May 26, 2024 · Hello, Thanks, cannot install VBR 12. When I click on 'last 24 hours' bottom left, it shows 1 running job (which is actually running - i just started it a few minutes ago), but the right side of the window shows TWO jobs. May 4, 2023 · Hi guys,We have to take backup from large number of virtual machines in our environments and sometimes backup jobs are still running during working hours. 2015-12-31 15:26:17 [INFO ] Pending file rename operations detected. When I run setup, the setup wizard screen comes up. This can be done by Edit the job, go to the Storage tab, under Advanced Settings – Scripts. 0 and now after updating it is v11. in order to remove the old vcsa from vb&r configuration i needed to remove all references within the jobs. Mar 30, 2016 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Jobs looks to be stuck and won't run of Veeam Backup for We are running VBM365 v8. Veeam backup job for VMs on host 2 (forward incremental with synthetic full on Saturday) Here's the scenario: Moved the VMs off of host 2 using Quick Migration; Did some maintenance on host 2; Moved the VMs back to host 2 using Quick Migration; Did a rescan on vCenter from within Veeam, ran backup job, but it failed saying it couldn't find the VMs Apr 6, 2020 · This VBR server is also the VEM and is purely for backup and backup-copy jobs only. Can somebody give me mote info about that. Oct 7, 2010 · Our Veeam jobs then mimic this folder structure. Open the Veeam Backup & Replication Console. This Backup Copy job processes three objects: Backup Job 1, Backup Job 2 and Feb 11, 2024 · What I personally do is run just backup and backup copy jobs on my “DC1” VBR server, then I have a 2nd VBR server at DR and use it to run just Replication jobs. The 2nd one is valid - the one I just started. We patched to the 8. Launch the New Backup Job wizard. Jul 24, 2023 · If you use any of those physical virtual hosts as Proxy servers, and you decommission one, you’ll lose Proxy services during backup of VMs, which would resort your backup job to network (nbd) mode. But, your backup jobs should still run. My problem is that when the last Veeam job is completed earlier jobs might still be running. This worked well the first test run and completed in about 6 hours compared to the 10+ hours it was taking before with my other configuration. Other findings are that the Restored VMs are restored into a Running state. Sep 21, 2023 · You can find the correct job ID editing the job (i. The destination server is a brand new 2022 install - only the Hyper-V role installed. Jul 17, 2018 · Backup job report action show this: Some backup files are locked by running jobs, retry is required. It shows in my console as running and 99% finished. 1The server was running VBR 11. May 6, 2015 · This is the first replication job I have run since upgrading to 12. Apr 30, 2012 · Not sure exactly how it got to this state, but essentially I have three jobs in a running state but aren't actually doing anything. We are running Veeam Backup&Replication 9. hi @dloseke & @CarySun in my case even with the vbr server reboot ,i had the same behavior i had to kill the services. To stop a job, select the job from the list and click Stop. 5 seemed to turn the schedule back on when the job completes. Veeam Backup & Replication lets you create backup jobs for the following types of protected computers: Microsoft Windows computers protected with Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows Jun 11, 2009 · before this happened i setup a new vcsa with same name and addr as old one and used the migration tool to migrate vm ids! this worked as expected and at least the backups that were running successful did not show any sign of an issue. You can use one job to process one or more VMs. Since 2019, our file server has been a Hyper-V VM on Windows Server 2019. Some of my jobs that normally takes 1-2 hours went to 16+ hours without completion and are stuck at 0KB. Some jobs has the state "Stopped Feb 14, 2018 · If you have to urgently reboot vCenter Server - then that has to take priority! So cancel the job, and if you really need to restart vCenter Server, restart it, and then start the job again. But if I reboot and manually run that 9pm job, it succeeds. Aug 26, 2024 · Add an application group. This is nice because, when we create a new machine, we simply place it in the appropriate folder in vCenter and it automatically get's backed up based on our policy without even touching Veeam. Has anyone encountered this issue before? Any suggestions on how to forcefully stop the job? Nov 26, 2024 · Users with the Portal Administrator role can control backup and replication jobs without the need to access the Veeam Backup & Replication console on the backup server. exe file. So far, it has been almost easy to gather some type of data out of Jobs and Job objects, however, for the love of god, i cannot find a way to correctly retrieve the Schedule, RetentionPolicy and Target name for a job. 5 (i. It suggests that this is a view problem. Oct 17, 2021 · It appears you might have come across a situation on v11a in which under certain circumstances: Last 24 hours -> Running view shows "extra" sessions, that are actually in the stopped state (job type is not important, it could be a replica, backup, backup copy, and other sessions). exe from VeeamBackup&Replication_9. Only the first schedule job in each of the 4 media pools. vbk of the runnig job is not backed up to tape. " Jan 13, 2011 · Alexey, yes I have ticked the "keep running" checkbox. 2. We have 3 EXSi-Hypervisor and one Off-Site Disk Storage. Our jobs are configured to use any proxy that is available. If you need to take a backup then before the backup job runs you need to pause the replication job, let the backup run then resume replication. I have done this by mounting an ISO and running setup as by opening the file, and I have tried running it as administrator. That worked. If I watch the "Jobs" screen through the GUI it shows the "Next Run Time" correctly, I can watch the system as it passes that time and absolutely nothing happens. I'm working in an environment that has a three node hyper-V failover cluster. adminnotes. 1. Currently build version for Veeam is 11. e. Feb 15, 2024 · I am having an issue with Veeam backup performance. Feb 15, 2025 · Also, ensure that all the latest runs for all existing jobs have been completed successfully and that all failed jobs are rerun, as shown in the image below. See the corresponding job session in the management console for details. Sep 28, 2018 · A) Veeam Agent backup job has been configured via Veeam Backup and Replication server In this case you need to go to "Storage - Advanced - Scripts" step. Jan 1, 2006 · Sorry Foggy - I wasn't clear. bat as a post job script ("Run the following script after the job"; Run this scripts every 1 backup session). https://www. The above answer is very helpful from the legends but I added some a little bit feedback from my end. But when i run this from the post job option within the backup job, I get nothing, I have tried adding a separate script with a sleep 900 to see if it was because the backup job was still running but to no avail. The only difference here is, that you have to pick your VM from an agent job into the application group for your SureBackup job: I used a small physical Veeam server of my demo environment as en example here. If I refresh the "Jobs" screen the "Next Run Time" will have changed to 24 hours later. MODE-2: Veeam Agent backup job managed by Veeam Apr 3, 2023 · interesting though, if a job is already in progress, it is not affected. Aug 26, 2019 · Stopping Veeam Activity on Veeam Backup Server. ArgumentOutOfRangeException' was thrown SureBackup jobs fail to start for certain machines, causing the error: Feb 21, 2020 · This isn't directly related to Hyper-V, but more of a question on how to handle this situation Veeam has put me in. Description: All of these VMs are from 3 different hosts. ” I have already tried stopping all Veeam-related services (Veeam*), as well as rebooting the Veeam Backup server, but the job remains stuck and won’t stop. Nov 30, 2023 · Important. We're needing to upgrade vCenter to 7. There were no changes on the veeam side of things and respect to backup jobs. In your scenario, for such a controlled migration, you should use planned failover, which, in addition, allows you to sync the latest changes occurred on the original VM to prevent any data loss. - Replica seeding is enabled on all jobs. If there is no job running, running is not visible either. 2015-12-31 15:26:17 [INFO ] Performing condition check: Pending reboot. When my first scheduled jobs fire off they run just fine but the first chained job never starts and so none of the chains get run. Dec 29, 2022 · Initially I pointed directly at the . It lists our bottleneck as Target for every backup job, and our backup jobs are taking way longer than expect. Jul 15, 2015 · Luba, DR situation implies loss of the original VM, so failover is performed when it is already turned off/lost. Some jobs will have no deny rules and run at midnight, while others will have to wait to run until 1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 4 am, 5 am, or 6 am. I setup Veeam B&R CE back in 2019 which has worked flawlessly and allowed us to restore some files that otherwise wouldn't have been possible. Aug 4, 2017 · No we still have support (in the hope that we can upgrade at some point, or if we ever have a DR event and have to start with a new install we can get help on that!) the copy job itself only take 2 hours or so so a manual start isn't an issue apart from when I am off and security swap the drive for me (without checking if the job has done or not). These are run once a day. I have two proxies in both locations and although I let Veeam choose which proxies to use, it chose to use the proxy on the source side for both source and destination on one job and correctly chose to use one proxy in each location for the other job. I still highly recommend Veeam for virtualization backups and O365 backups. Now we can see a new phenomenon: Copy jobs (Mail items) fail with "Unable to cancel retention session Apr 22, 2009 · Hi Gostev, Thank you for explaining this. As displayed, I clicked to upgrade Enterprise Manager first. Aug 3, 2011 · We have been using Veeam for a couple of years now and we are going to be replacing SRM with Veeam Replication. If some jobs have failed, rerun the failed jobs. The reason is I have seen the following setup in another site I give some help from time to time: - one or more VMs on ESXi-Host-1 - running a Backup Job once a day to send VM backups to a repository Dec 16, 2024 · Next, after running a job, we will click “Disk” on the left to make sure there is a backup on the Repository. Otherwise, job upgrade procedure may fail. Timed out waiting for proxy appliance. Jan 29, 2016 · I don't wanna have the Full Active run on the same time(in the day) as the job runs on the weekdays, as the active full backup takes much longer time than the daily differential, so that would make many jobs run concurrently since the first job started would run say 12 hours, and all the next would start or be in queue. Then I get a message saying "Some Veeam Backup & Replication jobs are still running. I tried to install again, and now there was no option to upgrade, ju Apr 21, 2023 · What happened was the Backup-Copy-Jobs started running again - it iterates over every backup to synchronize that again. If I run the jobs manually one by one they work fine. Hi @asdffdsa6132 . Any suggestions? Thanks again this info has been really helpful. 2015-12-31 15:26:17 [INFO ] Checking pending file rename operations. exe runs it checks if another copy of it's process is already running. It’s similar, but it’s not quite the same screen. Changed the time to run of the most recently created job and that works. 8 of 9 of them are running ESXi 6. May 6, 2021 · I can easily find names of jobs that are running and say hey this job is using the repo server, this storage, and the veeam master server (we only have one of each of those). Meaning, you can set all your jobs to start at the same time (up to 64 of them, actually), and this will not cause any issues. Jun 23, 2015 · I currently have success and failure email alerts configured. x, ran great for years, thanks Veeam! When I tried to upgrade to latest VBR, as downloaded from website The upgrade failed, complained about Veeam Agent for Linux. Mar 30, 2020 · Where I work we currently use Backup and Replication, enterprise edition x6 sockets, and unfortunately a backup job had been stuck for a couple of days due to a VSS issue and this effected a tape replication job as well. Mind the difference between two modes MODE-1: Veeam Agent backup job managed by the backup server The scripts are executed on the backup server. Jan 20, 2015 · I am running the setup. - The virtual VBR server in the DR site is solely for running replication jobs and for initiating failovers when the production VMs/site are down. What the end goal is to have staff run a backup verification where they access a lab with a series of servers all related to a specific application, run a report and get it out where it can be printed or imported into the Document Management system. I of course cried a little bit when I realized this, but then became a bit confused when I checked the Veeam console and saw that the job was still running at first I thought it was just hung but it is actually still progressing. This Job is always running "<Job Name> SQL Server Transaction Log Backup". If my DC1 goes downno big deal. There were some routine updates applied to several of the VMs. Update4a. The job configuration might be corrupted. Review the "Running" section under Last 24 Hours. Before you create a backup job, check the prerequisites. Pay special attention to the reduction of your memory here. Jan 26, 2016 · Feature Request: We often have the problem that "jobs" fails fore some reasons, but jobs don't fail but the get stucked and running forever. May 16, 2022 · It works fine from command line, whether I start as powershell as admin or not. bat file I’ve tried it that way too. for example, if a job started at 8pm and finishes at the 11pm, The next job might be scheduled for 9pm and it fails to start, but the first job still completes at 11pm successfully. If the Backup Job processes multiple VMs and stores them per-VM, the Copy Job begins processing each VM immediately after the VM is finished, even when the Backup Job is still running. " To Reproduce Used this Sample Playbook https:/ Dec 9, 2021 · To manually refresh the displayed list of tasks, press F5 (on your keyboard) while the Last 24 hours > Running view is opened. Jun 6, 2024 · The Veeam Agent backup job will run on the backup server in the similar way as a regular job for VM data backup. Nov 27, 2017 · i am trying to clean our amateurish veeam setup. So ideally I would run a post job script which starts the HP Data Protector job. dbfpd etjfx wzkme dit cuox zvwlcv sfhl zuhu ywxxp wliz znwmwb wrxq dqmzag pxfd wsl