Allen county clerk of courts. Allen County Courthouse 715 S.

Allen county clerk of courts Name of Payor 3. LR02-AR1E-1 Allen County Caseload Allocation Plan (A) Domestic Relations (DC/DN) cases with self-represented litigants New cases filed with the Clerk of the Allen Superior and Circuit Court on a Verified Petition for Dissolution Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Phone: 260-449-7245 May 8, 2024 · THE ALLEN COUNTY TITLE DEPARTMENT WILL START PROCESSING PASSPORTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS NOVEMBER 1, 2024. Jan 18, 2017 · Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Main Street P. They prepare permanent historical records for the Allen County Courthouse, collect court costs and fees, and prepare budget estimates for the office and potentially the Allen County Clerk of Courts provides photocopies of public records at $0. Find court records, motor vehicle and watercraft titles, and contact information for the Allen County Clerk of Courts. Houk. The official website of the Allen County Clerk of Courts, providing information and services for civil, domestic, and appellate cases. Most hearings conducted in probate matters take place in Courthouse Rooms 106. 00 per document if certification is required (IC 33-37-5-1 and IC 33-37-5-3). The judges of the Common Pleas Court made the appointments for a seven-year term. There is no charge to inspect records while in the Allen County Clerk of Courts office. Box 1243 Lima, OH 45802 Phone: 419-223-8513 Fax: 419-222-8427 UNCLAIMED FUNDS LIST (PURSUANT TO R. 00 for each additional page plus $1. The Clerk is elected on a party ballot for a four-year term at the same time the county treasurer, sheriff and prosecuting attorney are selected. Phone: 260-449-7245 The Allen County Clerk’s e-filing website offers the latest e-filing updates and important information on the process. , Suite 415, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Counties in this district: Allen District governance plan; Local Rules. 21 15,897. You can also access e-filing, passports, boat registrations, and title department online. Your Social Security Number Allen County Courthouse 6. Find the contact information, hours, and online form for copy requests. the clerk of court is not liable to For offline methods, visiting the Allen Parish Clerk of Court’s office in person is a reliable way to obtain court records. Interim Clerk Jennifer McBride was selected as the official clerk for Allen County. 301 N Main St Ste 209. Allen County (Clerk of Courts Title Office), Lima 419 North Elizabeth Street, Lima, Ohio, 45801 Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Letters should be sent to the Allen County Clerk of the Courts, 715 S. 00 per page Nearby Courts: Allen County Superior Court Criminal Division 715 South Calhoun Street 0. Phone: 260-449-7245 Allen County District Court 1 N Washington, Room B Iola, KS 66749. Documents may be hand-delivered or mailed to the Allen County Sheriff. Lima, OH 45801 Feb 24, 2025 · Divorce filings, which include divorce and legal separations, are provided by the Allen County clerk’s office. It is the requesting party’s responsibility to provide the Allen County Sheriff with three copies of any document(s) to be served along with a proof of payment for this service. Lima, OH 45801 Allen County Courthouse 715 S. R. Code: 657 sq. Phone: 260-449-7245 Letters should be sent to the Allen County Clerk of the Courts, 715 S. Court Case Number Mail this information to the following address: 2. Important Information Concerning Jury Fraud. Court Avenue . In creating a state judicial system, the 1802 Ohio Constitution provided for the appointment of a Clerk of Courts for each county. Clerk Address: 1 East Main St. Calhoun Street Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802 Clerk of the Allen Circuit Court, Support Allen County Clerk of Courts Clerk of Court 301 N Main St # 209, Lima, OH 45801, USA allencountyohio. In her time serving at the county level, she worked with the County Recorder’s Pursuant to Rule 45(C) of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio, a clerk of court is not required to offer remote access to a particular case file or case document. Freeman (Republican Party) ran for election to the Clermont County Clerk of Courts in Ohio. xlsx Type of Document Authority Method for Filing Location of Record Clerk Fee- Legal Clerk Computer Fee Computer Research County CR Genl Spl Proj Cty Probation Services CV Geni spl Proj Domestic Violence DR Computer Fee DR Geni spl Proj Drug Court Drug Fine Drug Testing Public Defender Allen County Sheriff Total Clerk Fees-Titie Total: TOTAL 156. Phone: 260-449-7245 The Allen County Clerk of Courts serves the Common Pleas Court and the Third District Court of Appeals when Allen County cases are involved. Office Hours: Eastern Clerk's Office Shannon Rice Chief Deputy 301 N. 7. Lima, OH 45801 The Allen County Clerk of Courts provides an online search portal to look up information about criminal court cases in Allen County. Allen County Court of Common Pleas Probate Division 301 North Main Street Allen County Clerk of Courts; JENNIFER McBRIDE Allen County Clerk of Courts 301 North Main Street P. Fax: (419) 223-8555. Send your payment by check or money order made payable to “Clerk of Allen Circuit Court” and include a self-addressed stamped envelope. 34) THE FOLLOWING ITEMIZED MONIES, WHICH THE LAW REQUIRES TO BE PAID INTO THE TREASURY OF ALLEN COUNTY, REMAIN IN MY HANDS AS CLERK OF THE Allen County Job Descriptions JUDICIAL LAW CLERK Department: Superior Court FLSA Status: Exempt Classification/Level: Special Occupation Date: 08/2019 Under the direction of the Allen Superior Court Judges, the Judicial Law Clerk drafts legal memoranda, proposed court orders and processes case filings. 05 per page. Fort Wayne, IN 46802 The Allen County Clerk of Court directory assistance facilitates finding the local court office, the Clerk of Court name and other vital contact information. 05 - Designation of Assigned Judge The Allen County Clerk, part of the Allen County Court Administration, is responsible for administering official court records for trial court cases in Allen County, Indiana. Phone: 260-449-7245 Crime Victim Services provides victims in Allen and Putnam Counties with information about the legal system, victims' rights, protection orders, victims' compensation, and civil claims against offenders; a 24-hour crisis line, rape crisis services, emergency shelter, counseling, referral, and victim-offender mediation; and legal assistance including court accompaniment and advocacy, case Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Phone: 260-449-7245 The Clerk of the Circuit and Superior Courts Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm; Phone: 260-449-7245 Local Court Links; Allen County Local Rules; Nearby Courts: Allen County Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations Division 301 North Main Street 0. Phone: 260-449-7245 You can return your marriage license to the County Clerk’s Office at: Allen County Clerk, 201 W Main St #6, Scottsville, KY 42164. Nearby Courts: Allen County Superior Court Criminal Division 715 South Calhoun Street 0. The Allen County Clerk of Courts’ records are subject to records retention schedules pursuant to Ohio Supreme Court’s Superintendence Rules 26 to 26. 02 - Inability to Secure Costs 2. Phone: 260-449-7245 Know who and how to contact your Fort Wayne, Indiana Clerk of Court for fast and hassle-free transactions: Fort Wayne Clerk of Court Allen County Clerk of Court. Phone: (419) 223-8517 . The Allen County Clerk’s Office offers a variety of other services including: Marriage License – $50 Clerk's Office Shannon Rice Chief Deputy 301 N. Email Filings: [email protected] General Questions: [email protected] Ohio law requires the official rosters to be updated and published every two years. Phone: (260)449-7123 . 2335. You can search using criteria such as the defendant’s name, the case number (if known), the case type (criminal), the action code, or the attorney’s name. The Criminal and Traffic Division processes and maintains the entries and orders of the Court, accepts bail and bond on all offenses and establishes and monitors defendants' payment plans. Looking for Marriage, Divorce, Wills, or other Family-Court Related Records? Information on these and other court-related records are available only through the Allen County Clerk of Courts. Pho: 812-285-6309 . THE ALLEN COUNTY TITLE DEPARTMENT IS NOW ISSUING BOAT REGISTRATIONS! 419 North Elizabeth Street, Lima, Ohio Allen County Courthouse 715 S. The judge of the Circuit Court or a proxy; The Allen County Recorder's Office is committed to excellent customer service in 1 day ago · Divorce filings, which include divorce and legal separations, are provided by the Allen County clerk’s office. You will then be directed by the Clerk of the Court what the next step is if you are requesting a court date. Access to the Lorain County Clerk of Court of Common Pleas computerized case records of Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and 9th District Court of Appeals Cases, since 1988, is now available online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Find fillable forms for various legal and court-related matters in Allen County, Ohio. 01 - Case Management Plans 1. Clerk of the Allen Circuit and Superior Courts Allen County Courthouse 715 S. " The Clerk and his staff manage and archive all records of the Court of Common Pleas. Courts Process Support Supervisor (214) 653-6022: Jesse Reyes: AJ / Executions (214) 653-6800: Sonya Harris: Case Transfers (incoming / Outgoing) (214) 653-7088: Main Number: File Desk (214) 653-7121: Filing and Hearing Docket Assistance: Clerks of the County Courts at Law: County Court at Law #1 (214) 653-7556: County Court at Law #2 (214) 653 Clerk of Courts mmiller@allencountyohio. In addition to bringing my Southwest Ohio values to Columbus, I will focus on projects that specifically help our region. Email Filings: [email protected] General Questions: [email protected] The duties of the county clerk are clerical duties of the fiscal court, the registering of licenses for motor vehicles, recording and keeping records of legal transactions, voter registration and election duties, and tax duties. 84 %PDF-1. A proof of service form will be filled out by the person serving Allen County Courthouse 1 N Washington Iola, KS 66749 Phone: 620-365-1425 Fax: 620-365-1429 Clerk of the District Court: Dina Morrison Visit Site » Neosho County District Court ALLEN COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT Courthouse, Lima, Ohio 45801 Pink· Clerk Goldenrod -Attorney TO: vs Name Case No. Directions. A copy of amended Local Rules is available on the Court's website at www. This position is immediately available. 00 tax for each $1000. Box 1243 Lima, OH 45802-1243 [email protected] PH: 419-223-8512. Chief Clerk Administrator. Phone: 260-449-7245 The Clerk is required by Indiana Law to collect copy fees of $1. During my time as a Township Trustee, I worked tirelessly to create and fund long-term solutions for our most critical projects. 01 - Security for Costs and Fees 2. Notice regarding Ex Parte Communication(s): Click to View Notice Once your email address has been received by the Clerk of Courts notices will be sent to you electronically. 43 68,208. The Clerk administers the official court records for all trial court cases with jurisdiction in Allen County, prepares the permanent historical records for the courts, processes, and issues Allen County Courthouse 715 S. The Clerk of the Court will send filings out Certified Mail, Signature Confirmation, and the fee to process this request is $6. 50 Allen County Sheriff to be served. The Clerk will be based out of Allen Superior Court in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Under the 1851 Constitution the office became elective for a three-year term which was extended to four years in 1936. DeGroote and Magistrate Phillip E. Applications are being accepted for a full-time/permanent position serving the Commercial Courts of Northern Indiana, including Allen, Elkhart and Lake Counties. Updates on the status of Allen Circuit and Superior Courts, including jury service, what types of hearings are taking place during the COVID-19 emergency and where Court business is taking place. Find the contact information and website link of Jennifer McBride, the Allen County Clerk of Courts and the Clerk of the Ohio Third District Court of Appeals. Plaintiff SUBPOENA Defendant Address YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO appear before the Common Pleas Court of Allen County, at the Courthouse, Main and North Streets, Lima, Dec 18, 2024 · Infante Allen has been Clerk of Courts for two decades, working 17 years before that at Niles Municipal Court. The office is located at 400 W 6th Avenue, Oberlin, Louisiana. If you believe a case file or particular document exists but is not available online, please visit the Clerk’s Office or submit an online request for a copy of the 1. For questions about published listings, not the actual filing, call Corey McMaken The Clerk’s Child Support Division is located in Room 200 of the Allen County Courthouse at 715 South Calhoun Street. com and the link to the Allen County Clerk of Courts. The office also provides online indexing for deeds starting from 1923. H. 501 E. Click here for an instructional video. Clerk Fee- Legal Clerk Computer Fee Computer Research County CR Geni spl Proj Cty Probation Services CV Geni spl Proj Domestic Violence DR Computer Fee DR Geni spl Proj Drug Court Drug Fine Drug Testing Public Defender Allen County Sheriff Total Clerk Fees-Titie Total: TOTAL 185. Office Hours: Eastern Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Boat Registrations. For questions about published listings, not the actual filing, call Corey McMaken NC Clerk of Superior Court Ex Officio Judge of Probate Edgecombe County The Honorable Carol Allen White is a native of Edgecombe County. The office’s current schedules are available for inspection by the public, as required by ORC §149. Hours are 8-4:30 p. All payment histories can be picked Address: Allen County Probate Court 1000 Wardhill Ave Lima, Oh 45805. Do I need to bring my social security card? No. Claims submitted on surplus foreclosure funds will likely result in a court hearing. Allen County Courthouse 715 S. The office is closed on Saturday, Sunday, and all legal holidays. More. E-Notify, a statewide system for notifying individuals about upcoming court events, recently expanded to also include certain civil cases. , Room 201. R. Clerk's Office Shannon Rice Chief Deputy 301 N. Lima, OH 45801 Oct 23, 2024 · I previously worked in the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts office, starting in the filing department and then serving as a room clerk for three common pleas judges. Claims submitted on surplus foreclosure funds may result in a court hearing. If you wish to see if your income qualifies for a waiver of fees or to get help filing your case, call the Volunteer Lawyer Program at (260) 407-0917. 18 18,071. Contact Us Follow Us. e-Filing is now available. Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Email Filings: [email protected] Clerk’s Office Hours legal disclaimer: pursuant to o. May 8, 2024 · THE ALLEN COUNTY TITLE DEPARTMENT WILL START PROCESSING PASSPORTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS NOVEMBER 1, 2024. Phone: 260-449-7245 The Wayne County Clerk of Courts is the official "keeper of the records. Allen County Superior Court Family Relations Division Calhoun 715 South Calhoun Street 0. 19 5,261. Cost- $1. Dec 5, 2019 · Allen Freeman, Candidate for Ohio’s 66th House District. The procedures are not complex. Electronic Filing. The Clerk of the Circuit and Superior Courts is a county-elected official who serves as an officer of the court and the manager of court information. 66 16,615. 00, per address. Fax: (260)449-4621. Phone: 260-449-7245 Clerk's Office Shannon Rice Chief Deputy 301 N. The Clerk of Court is responsible for performing various duties and exercising functions related to the court system, including maintaining court records, issuing marriage licenses, and conducting elections. 12. There is no better place to start your career than Allen Superior Court. Phone: 260-449-7245 Allen County Courthouse 715 S. 715 S. 0 mile away. Box 1243 Lima, OH 45802-1243 Phone: (419) 228-3700 • Fax: (419) 222-8427 Jan 20, 2025 · Divorce filings, which include divorce and legal separations, are provided by the Allen County clerk’s office. This gave me significant insight into how the clerk’s office operates and the important role this office has in our justice system. RULE 1 - COURT SESSIONS 1. Jeffersonville, IN 47130 . Phone: 260-449-7245 Supreme Court of Ohio Limited Scope Representation Online Resource. Looking for records involving law enforcement agencies? This payment option is only available in the Allen Superior Court Misdemeanor & Traffic Division. She is a graduate of Shaw University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. The Common Pleas Clerk’s office is located at the Wayne County Municipal Court at 215 North Grant Street, Wooster, Ohio. Clark County Government Building . You may file an appearance in person at the Allen County Courthouse, Room 201 or by mail: Allen County Clerk of Courts. Allen County Clerk’s Office Chris Nancarrow , Clerk . The website also provides online access to the Allen County Common Pleas Court records. Your Former and Current Address Room 200 5. Jul 26, 2021 · Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Q: How much does it cost to record a deed? A: $50. Phone: 260-449-7245 The Clerk of the Court will stamp the petition with a filing date and give you back your copy. Website. The Allen County Clerk of Court directory assistance facilitates finding the local court office, the Clerk of Court name and other vital contact information. 57, it is ORDERED that the Allen County Local Rules as amended are made effective 2/1/2020. Criminal & Traffic. If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk’s Office at (419) 221-5275. , Room 200A, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. 00 paid for the property. Local Rules (Currently in Effect) The Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. Learn about the Clerk's duties, hours, contact, online payments, news, and more. 00. For questions about published listings, not the actual filing, call Corey McMaken Office at (260) 449-7588 or submit the request in writing by mailing to the Clerk of the Allen Circuit Court, Support Office – Room 200, 715 S. 00 for the first five pages and $3. The Clerk of Court has prepared a document titled Instructions for the Distracted Driving 101 Course to help with the process. 00 per page, plus $3. This position is covered under the Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Allen County info. 62 15,397. The Republican party made the Address: Allen County Probate Court 1000 Wardhill Ave Lima, Oh 45805. Shannon Rice Chief Deputy 301 N. 43(B)(2). Allen County Clerk of Courts +1 (419) 223-8502. T. Morrison Allen County District Court 1 N Washington, Room B Allen County Clerk of the Courts. The Clerk's office typically maintains records for civil, criminal, and family court cases within the parish. 05 and a Records Retention Schedule for our Auto Title Department. 00 per page The Allen County Clerk of Courts’ records are subject to records retention schedules pursuant to Ohio Supreme Court’s Superintendence Rules 26 to 26. That letter must contain the original foreclosure case number. Code 5-4-1-5. 3. Code: 404 sq. 1 mile away Domestic Relations Phone: (419) 223-8511. The web page also lists the clerks of courts of other counties in the district. Jun 5, 2023 · Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Sep 8, 2022 · LIMA — The vacated position of the clerk of courts has now been filled. 03 - Broadcasting, Televising, and Recording Court Proceedings RULE 2 - GENERAL PROCEDURES 2. Calhoun Street – Room 200A Fort Wayne, IN 46802. The court CANNOT proceed without Proper Service. Browse forms by department, such as domestic relations, title, public record request, and more. 10 per page. Clerk of the District Court Dina Morrison 1 N Washington, Room B Iola, KS 66749 Phone: 620-365-1425 E-mail: dmorrison@31jd. 0 mile away The Court’s staff and the Clerk’s staff will assist you but they cannot give legal advice. Email Filings: [email protected] Clerk’s Office Hours Allen County Courthouse 715 S. 04 - File Stamping 2. The Plaintiff fills out a simple form stating why the Defendant owes him or her money or that the Defendant has property which should be returned to the Plaintiff. 901(b)when submitting a case document to the court or filing a case document with the clerk of court, a party to an action or proceeding shall omit personal identifiers from the case document pursuant to rule 45 of the rules of superintendence for the courts of ohio. 61 297,975. Request them through the Allen County Clerk of the Circuit Court website. Treasurer's Office. r. The official Judicial District 7. 65 289,076. , Room 204, Lima, OH 45801. In 1976 at the early age of 19 years old, Carol started her career at the Edgecombe County Courthouse, Tarboro, NC. 6 %âãÏÓ 5180 0 obj > endobj 5185 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[2B551AF46FECAD4AB0C3734267B4DA01>28DF6F27EF53BA4FB7D42C41F6E4EEA5>]/Index[5180 15]/Info 5179 Oct 17, 2024 · Click This Hypertext Link to Search Court Records: Search Domestic Relations, Civil, Criminal and Court of Appeals Court Records. Your Name Clerk’s Support Office 4. The Judge also oversees the operation of the Allen County Probation Department and are members of the Judicial Corrections Board for the W. Clerk of Allen Circuit and Superior Courts Know who and how to contact your Lima, Ohio Clerk of Court for fast and hassle-free transactions: Lima Clerk of Court Allen County Clerk of Court. Learn how to obtain certified copies of court records and marriage records from the Clerk of the Allen Circuit and Superior Courts in Indiana. Lima, OH 45801 Clerk's Office Shannon Rice Chief Deputy 301 N. Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. Please select Public Records to register for access to the e-Filing portal. Indiana Supreme Court’s website offers additional e-filing information , including updates on when other counties throughout Indiana will go live. Clerk Address: 301 North Main St. Mar 19, 2024 · Allen M. CERTIFIED COPIES: certified copies must be mailed. Your Date of Birth 715 S. A: The Allen County Clerk’s Office is located at 201 West Main Street, Room 6 Scottsville, KY 42164. Nov 1, 2022 · Find information and services for the Clerk of the Allen Circuit and Superior Courts, Indiana. miles. Advertisement. Records are available for most county Circuit and Superior Courts, St. 00 317,329. 14 35,997. 0 mile away The Allen County Clerk of Courts’ records are subject to records retention schedules pursuant to Ohio Supreme Court’s Superintendence Rules 26 to 26. Phone: 260-449-7245 Superior Court. Further, copies shall be made available at the Allen County Clerk of Court's office upon request at a The Allen Parish Clerk of Court, located in the Allen Parish Courthouse in Oberlin, Louisiana, is the chief election officer for the parish. Allen County Ohio. You can return your marriage license to the County Clerk’s Office at: Allen County Clerk, 201 W Main St #6, Scottsville, KY 42164. 420. Please check your preference below. 2303. org . The Domestic Relations Division of the Common Pleas Court hears all cases concerning the termination of marriages filed in Allen County, Ohio. Population: 106,873. 92 5,284. , Room 201 Fort Wayne, IN 46802 . 03 - Discretion of the Clerk 2. Do I need to bring my birth certificate? No, unless you’re under 18. Is there a waiting period or blood test requirement? No. 4. 1(b) File with Allen County Recorder Allen County Recorder July 2021 Page 1 Misc Filings Clerk. This center is a rehabilitation facility that is an alternative commitment that the Judges can use at sentencing, rather than sentencing to the penitentiary or granting outright probation In 1903, the State of Colorado established the Juvenile Court; and during the years of 1899 through 1904, California, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, OHIO, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin adopted and passed Juvenile Court laws. Your Signature Fort Wayne, IN 46802 8. C. Lima, OH 45801 Allen County Clerk of the Courts 715 S. In 1906, Allen County, Ohio, followed suit with the establishment of the first Allen County About Allen County Circuit Court Clerk's Office. Phone: 260-449-7245 Address: Allen County Probate Court 1000 Wardhill Ave Lima, Oh 45805. Criminal Division Services (CDS) is the supervising division of Allen Superior Court and it consists of three specific departments: Drug Court Program, Alcohol Countermeasures Program (ACP), and Pretrial Services Real American Strength. Email Filings: [email protected] General Questions: [email protected] Crim. New Requirements for Redaction of Private Information – Rule 2. The information contained on this website is submitted to the Ohio Secretary of State by various federal, state, and local entities during the two years indicated in the upper left corner of each page. If you have questions regarding child support, you may call the Child Support Division at 260-449-7588. Personal Service By Sheriff: You can pay a fee to the Clerk of the Court for the Sheriff, to deliver your paperwork to the other party. Phone: 419-223-8501 FAX: 419-221-0460. Phone: 260-449-7245 Ind. PAYMENT LOCATIONS: Full or partial payments can be made in person or by mail at: Clerk of Allen Circuit and Superior Courts Courthouse, Room 200 715 South Calhoun Street Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802. Allen County Court of Common Pleas Probate Division 301 North Main Street 0. Calhoun St. Phone: 260-449-7245 Allen County Clerk of Courts P. Joseph County Probate Court, Marion County Small Claims Courts, many City and Town Courts, and some courts that have been abolished. com Legal Department 301 N. Lima, OH 45801 +1 (419) 223-8502. Looking for records involving law enforcement agencies? Search Indiana criminal, citation, civil, family, and probate cases online. c. It is your responsibility to ensure that the other party receives a copy of your filings. Search Probate cases are handled in the Civil Division of the Allen Superior Court by Judge Jennifer L. Allen County Title Office Phone: (419) 223-8529. Phone: 260-449-7245 Clerk of the Allen Circuit and Superior Courts Allen County Courthouse 715 S. Lima Municipal Court will never call to ask for your private information. Allen County Probate Court 1000 Wardhill Ave Lima, Oh 45805. Do I need to bring my divorce decree? No. CASA of the 31st Judicial District Amy Daniels, Executive Director 1 N Washington (Office address) PO Box 433 (mailing address) Iola, KS 66749 Chanute KS 66720 ALLEN COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS ANNUAL 2021 2020 111 31 176 79 128 316 745 195 Office collects and disburses to other County Departments from court costs as directed by Allen County Clerk of Courts provides photocopies of public records at $0. Calhoun Street Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802 FEE AND COST INFORMATION FOR CIVIL CASES – Effective July 1, 2023 (Fees are typically revised on July 1st each year) Case Description Case Type Filing Fees Adoption AD $157. Dina L. allencountvohio. Main St. O. Population: 342,168. Dec 20, 2024 · Allen County Probate Court 1000 Wardhill Ave Lima, Oh 45805. 02 - Jury Management Plan 1. See T. The Allen County Circuit Court Clerk's office, located in Scottsville, Kentucky, is responsible for maintaining and managing court records, including deeds dating back to 1865 and mortgage records dating back to 1902. Center. All tax bill payment options; Tax bill reprints and much other property information; All other online services If you are filing the case yourself, return the forms to the Allen County Clerk of the Courts in Room 201 of the Allen County Courthouse and pay the filing fee of $157. Freeman was on the ballot in the general election on November 5, 2024. , Fort Wayne, IN 46802. 08 86,468. m. com Thursday 8AM 4:30PM, Friday 8AM 4:30PM, Saturday Closed, Sunday Closed, Monday 8AM 4:30PM, Tuesday 8AM 4:30PM, Wednesday 8AM 4:30PM. Court of Appeals Third Appellate District 204 North Main Street 0. mesd pcmv szzq kxroojc qcfkowo ihme mfnhdm pzkyqal qnx sflz glao fbohf rfj oysd zyv