Akc cgc evaluator list I'm a CGC Evaluator (until it expires end of this month) and my unpopular opinion is the CGC title isn't good for anything but bragging rights. R. He can also do In-Person and Virtual Trick Dog Evaluations, and Virtual Home Manners Evaluations. Founded in 1884, the AKC is the largest purebred dog registry in the world. So,youdecidedyou wanted’to’be’an’AKC’ CGC’Evaluator,’and’ you’submiJed’this’ applicaon. Owners of dogs that pass all 10 items of the CGC test may order an official CGC certificate from the American Kennel Club. As of August 2022, Evaluators no longer send a copy to AKC. Learn how to train your dog, video the skills, and contact an Evaluator online. The person who conducts AT00 02 20 it AKC CGC Department Attn: ATT Events . _____ Evaluator Signature Thank you very much. Puppy® and/or AKC Community Canine℠ An AKC club near you can provide you and your dog with training classes and testing for AKC S. Course Overview: AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program. 00 ATT $ 20. The fee includes the required Jan 11, 2024 · To be eligible for the AKC Trick Dog Advanced Title, your dog must have been observed by a CGC Evaluator doing 10 tricks from the list of accepted Advanced tricks, and must have previously earned Canine Good Citizen dogs registered or listed with AKC. Evaluators for AKC S. Puppy is that CGC Evaluators may give the CGCSM test to handlers and dogs they have not trained in classes. This may be a specially trained AKC Obedience judge, AKC Rally judge, or a CGC Evaluator. Territory, or on a U. com) and completed the items below: _____ 1. MAIL TO: American Kennel Club®, CGC Dept. I am an AKC Approved CGC Evaluator. A TOTAL OF 10 TRICKS ARE REQUIRED TO EARN THE INTERMEDIATE TRICK DOG TITLE. , 3 helpers serve as a “crowd”), the AKC Community Canine test is done in real situations AKC Approved CGC Evaluators observe the tricks and sign as evaluators for the Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, and Performer and Elite Performer Trick Dog titles. The advanced level of AKC's CGCA Program 10 Dog Kit Includes everything evaluators need for testing 10 dogs: 10 Test forms10 ribbons for graduates 25 dog kit Includes everything evaluators need for testing 25 dogs: 25 Test forms25 ribbons for graduates Shipping is included with this product. All of the exercises are done on a leash. I have been an AKC CGC Evaluator for over 20 years. Directions: Please complete the entire application and submit your $100 processing fee if you are a NEW APPLICANT. Please allow 2-3 week American Kennel Club 8051 Arco Corporate Drive Raleigh, NC 27617 www. O. Not only are they well versed in CGC training About AKC Urban Canine Good Citizen® What is AKC Urban Canine Good Citizen? AKC Urban CGC is a title in the Canine Good Citizen family of awards and titles that also include AKC S. • How the AKC Helps Every Dog Owner • Appendix: List of AKC-Approved CGC Evaluators and Index CITIZEN CANINE presents a 10-step training curriculum stressing responsible pet ownership and basic good manners for dogs. I am AKC CGC EVALUATOR AND AKC ATT / CAT / FARM DOG / FETCH JUDGE. Established in 1884, the AKC – alongside its parent breed clubs and other affiliated organizations – is responsible for developing breed characteristic standards, providing educational programs for the public, pioneering dog sport programs in the United States, and more. As an approved Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, you assume responsibility for conducting the test according to the AKC protocol. CGC tm Evaluator Renewal Steps : Renewals Login : Legal Certifications : Demographic Information : Credit Card Information : i 4 a i r afm force 125-6 manual a _ / usaf sentry dog manual 15 may 1956 d epa rt men t of the air force ~374 afm 125-6 air force manual department of the air number 125-6 washington, 1. This online course is a combination of video lectures with demonstrations, printable PDF reference materials, and a final assessment. If your city is not represented then you can search the AKC Website for an Evaluator closer to you. Directions for the I am an Atlas Assistance Dog certified trainer, www. The AKC Canine Good Citizen™ (CGC) program provides a perfect framework for training your dog to become a polite member of society. Search Clear Expand Collapse. !!! Breed!temperament!information! One!purpose!of!the!ATT!is!to!educate!dog!owners!aboutthe!temperamentof!their!breeds. org AKC Canine Good Citizen Program cgc@akc. Over the years I have trained numerous Service Dogs for Autism Spectrum, PTSD, Mobility Assist, Medical Alert, Diabetes Alert and Medical Assist. breeds, are listed in the CGC records at the American Kennel Club. In a trick dog class AKC’s Canine Good Citizen program is the gold standard of behavior for dogs in our communities. com AG00570 Kitty Bradley Boulder 303-641-7711 kab@akc. CGC test kits are packaged according to the number of anticipated entries: 10, 25, and 50 dogs. $20/per dog/per test. • Decide on a place, time, number of dogs • Submit an AKC Event application. *This is the Evaluator fee that is good for 2 years and comes with test kits. To apply as a CGC Evaluator, complete the following 4 steps in this order: The CGC Evaluator pin is the only AKC-approved CGC pin for AKC Approved CGC Evaluators. I earned my CPDT-KA certification as a professional dog trainer from the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers in September of 2003 and went on to pass the prestigious CPDT-KSA certification test in 2012. P. AKC. THE FEE IS $40 IF YOU CHOOSE TO RENEW BY REGULAR MAIL. military base. As with other Trick levels, send your application and checklist to AKC. If you are interested in having me evaluate your trick video, below is more information as provided by the AKC. Instructions: Dog Owner: send this page with the AKC Trick Dog Title Application to AKC. CGC Evaluators can become AKC FIT DOG Instructors by completing a new three-level course in AKC Canine College at: https://www CGC Evaluators administer many exciting AKC Family Dog Programs including AKC S. Northview Ave Glendale, AZ 85301-1855 623-363-2567 The AKC’s Canine Good Citizen program is recognized as the gold standard for dog behavior. Price $50 AKC FIT DOG: Level 2. Puppy, CGC and AKC Trick Dog testing. The AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program is rapidly becoming recognized as the standard of behavior for dogs in our communities. a. Thank you for subscribing! ! 6!!! ! Bites! SeeAggression. akc. American Kennel Club • Attention: ATT Events • PO Box 900064 • Raleigh, NC 27675-9064 • Tel: 919-816-3757 • AKCtemptest@akc. Puppy® and Canine I further understand and agree that my AKC CGC Approved Evaluator status may be removed if I engage in unprofessional conduct that reflects badly on the AKC Canine Good Citizen Program. Evaluator: Send this completed form to the dog owner. Examples of distractions include dropping a chair, roll- ing a crate dolly past the dog, having a jogger run in front of the dog, or dropping a crutch or cane. Through the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program, which is recognized as the gold standard of behavior for dogs in our communities, you can administer AKC S. org offers information on dog breeds, dog ownership, dog training, health, nutrition, exercise & grooming, registering your dog, AKC competition events and affiliated clubs to help you discover more things to enjoy with your dog. Don't forget to order your CGC logo patches while you're at it! Shipping included with this product. One million dogs, purebred and mixed breed, have earned CGC. Puppy, CGC, AKC Community Canine, The Canine Good Citizen program wouldn’t be possible without you, our dedicated CGC Evaluators. org 1. APPLY TODAY Every time a CGC test is completed, whether it be for 50 dogs or one dog, evaluators must send in a Test Summary Form. Evaluator: Alison King (dogsgonewildflorida@yahoo. org (919) 233-9767 info@akc. org GK9GC1 (3/15) AKC ® CANINE GOOD CITIZEN ® PROGRAM The CGC TEST consists of 10 skills needed by all well-mannered dogs. Become a CGC Evaluator Join the program. Mar 14, 2018 · The American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizenship (CGC) exam is a ten-point exam that tests whether or not your dog meets the AKC's requirements to hold the title of Canine Good Citizen. AKC will send your starter test kits, certificate, and wallet card. JEANNE ECHOLS is located in Tennessee . Puppy, Find AKC Approved CGC Evaluators who can test your dog virtually for AKC Trick Dog and Virtual Home Manners titles. With the invaluable information found in this helpful guide, dog owners can easily train their dogs to pass the CGC test with Evaluator Guide. t. This applies to all levels of AKC Trick Dog training. Tel: 919-816-3757 . I breed and show Standard and Toy Xoloitzcuintli's in AKC Breed Conformation and Performance Events. American Kennel Club - AKC CGC Renewal. AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Evaluator. ___ Balance beam (walk on low board a few inches off floor) ____ Bark on cue (“Speak”) ____ Crawl (dog on belly, crawls at least 5 feet) This course is designed for AKC Approved CGC Evaluators who are AKC Fit Dog: Level 1 instructors aspiring to obtain Level 2 certification. or an Approved AKC CGC Evaluator in This attractive CGC Evaluator patch is the only AKC-approved CGC patch for AKC Approved CGC Evaluators. Canine Good Citizen® resolutions have been passed by 48 the Approved AKC CGC Evaluator. Puppy, AKC Community Canine (advanced CGC) and AKC Urban CGC programs. 00 TRK $ 25. After the program you may enter the AKC’s other CGC programs, further earning more titles and certificates to show off your dog’s excellent manners. Atlasdog. Puppy®, Canine Good Citizen and AKC Community Canine SM. akctemptest@akc. S. aKC S. * A STORY/SCRIPT IS REQUIRED for the ELITE PERFORMER I've been training all breeds of dogs for over 40 years. Puppy testing. AKC Fetch is administered by AKC licensed or member clubs or AKC Approved (current) Canine Good Citizen Evaluators. AKC Urban CGC requires that the dog demonstrate CGC skills and beyond in an “urban” setting. If AKC revokes my CGC Evaluator status, my fee is non-refundable. Will you be doing CGC tests at dog shows or for the public? This shirt says, "professional. Aug 5, 2024 · Canine Good Citizen (CGC) This program is recognized as the gold standard for dog behavior. 00 CGC & CGCA KACHINA KENNEL CLUB AKC Temperament Test AKC CGC, CGCA, TRK Premium List Marilyn Casiano 5917 W. After watching the video, if the dog passes, the Evaluator will send the Checklist Form to the dog owner. * After January 1, 2020, AKC will still review videos as an option if you don’t have an instructor. With the invaluable information found in this helpful guide, dog owners can easily train their dogs to pass the CGC test with AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator PAWSitive Training llc in Sheridan WY - Dog Training in Sheridan WY -Offering a variety of dog training classes or private classes for you and your dog. If you have a Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certificate or title on record at AKC, you may count the CGC as 5 of the required tricks for the NOVICE TRICK DOG TITLE. Watch the 3 videos of CGC, CGCA and CGCU tests. AKC Marketplace is exclusively available to Evaluators. My dog doesn’t have any type of number. Puppy Class, Basic Obedience Class, Nosework/Scent Work, AKC Canine Good Citizen, Agility, Rally and Rally Free. !! In The AKC Canine Good Citizen™ (CGC) program provides a perfect framework for training your dog to become a polite member of society. AKC S. AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, AKC Temperament Test Evaluator, AKC Trick Dog Evaluator, Certified Behavior Consultant (CBCC-KA), Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA), Fear Free Certified Professional (Training and Shelter Dog programs), Tellington Touch (TTouch) Apprentice. This is an evaluator directory that lets you find evaluators and their email addresses (by city and state) so you can email and inquire about AKC S. For the Novice title, handlers may use a food/toy lure if needed. CGC Evaluators are automatically approved to conduct AKC S. " Very attractive CGC Evaluator shirt. To be eligible for the AKC Trick Dog Advanced Title, your dog must have been observed by a CGC Evaluator doing 10 tricks from the list of accepted tricks, and must have previously earned the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program. Join us and get our notified of latest promotions, exclusive deals and more! Subscribe. If you’re a returning Evaluator, explore our resources section for your one-stop-shop for any By typing in your state, you’ll be able to see the list of instructors and evaluators in areas nearest where you live. CGC Evaluators may evaluate AKC S. must be at least one year ofage on the day for ATT Testing. Raleigh NC, 27675-9064. Your approval will AKC’s CANINE GOOD CITIZEN® APPROVED EVALUATOR APPLICATION MAIL TO: American Kennel Club®, CGC Dept. In addition to individual tests, we can set up club events at DSA or off-site. The CGC Evaluator pin is the perfect way to let test participants and spectators know who th REQUIRED FOR BECOMING AN APPROVED AKC CGC EVALUATOR By initialing here, I attest that I have gone to this link (www. com) AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program. The AKC Fetch test may be held in conjunction with an AKC event such as a dog show AKC Canine Good Citizen ® Evaluator Test CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE CGC PROGRAM As a part of your CGC Evaluator application, please test yourself on these questions The evaluator will select and present two distractions. AKC’s CANINE GOOD CITIZEN® APPROVED EVALUATOR APPLICATION MAIL TO: American Kennel Club®, CGC Dept. Dog owner name_____ Dog Name _____ Dog Number _____ Date: August 28, 2019 To: All AKC Obedience Judges, Rally Judges and CGC Evaluators From: Dr. A. Based on you and your dog’s training needs, you have CGC Evaluators administer the Canine Good Citizen, AKC S. If a dog has a Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certificate or title on record at AKC, it can do 5 Novice tricks (CGC + 5) to earn the Novice title. The CGC award is a prerequisite for many therapy dog groups. Along with its more than 5,000 licensed and member clubs and affiliated organizations, the AKC advocates for the purebred dog as a family companion, advances canine health and well-being, works to protect the rights of all dog owners and promotes responsible dog ownership. org Oct 13, 2008 · Importance of Responsible Dog Ownership Now Recognized by 35 States California has joined the growing list of states that have passed American Kennel Club® (AKC) Canine Good Citizen® (CGC Any fee arrangements for the Evaluator's time are between the Evaluator and the dog owner. g. 5 m foreword 1. Dog owners may list the suffix, “CGC” after the dog’s name. This attractive pin (1 ¼” diameter) with the word “EVALUATOR” under the well-recognized, trademarked CGC logo can be worn during CGC tests. to the DOG OWNER confirming that the dog passed the test, and; to AKC at trickdog@akc. This search by no means includes all tests that will be held. org • www. Many dog shows and clubs also offer opportunities for competitors to earn AKC. Starting March 1, 2024, WhiteHaven Canine will ONLY offer Therapy Dog training, and we will continue to perform the AKC Evaluations for Canine Good Citizen (CGC), Community Canine (CGCA), Urban Canine (CGCU) & Therapy Dog certification thru Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs. The fee includes the requ ired introductory test kits for CGC, STAR (puppy level), CGCA (advanced CGC/Community Canine) and AKC Urban CGC (CGCU (see link to “Application” below for lists of skills). Once the Evaluator reviews and approves the video, the Evaluator sends a copy of the Video Verification form. Training location selected at your convenience for personalized training. Founded in 1884, the not-for-profit AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for all dogs. Evaluators should AKC URBAN CGCSM AKC Urban CGC is a title in the Canine Good Citizen® family of awards and titles that also include AKC S. Note: CGC Evaluator applicants MUST reside in the United States, in a U. I have not been suspended from AKC. . Puppy must be AKC Approved Canine Good Citizen Evaluators. Box 900064, Raleigh, NC 27675-9064 Directions: Please complete the entire renewal application and submit your $40 processing fee. Blue golf shirt wit AKC. T. AKC’s CANINE GOOD CITIZEN® RENEWAL APPLICATION (for CGCSM Evaluators) MAIL TO: American Kennel Club®, CGC Dept. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. 5" diameter) with the word "EVALUATOR" under the well-recognized, trademarked CGC logo can be worn during CGC tests on a vest or jacket, or it can be attached to a training bag or the back of a foldable fabric chair. PO Box 900064. Canine Good Citizen®, AKC S. !At Dec 31, 2019 · AKC TEMPERAMENT TEST (ATT) EVALUATOR APPLICATION Send to: akctemptest@akc. By selecting your state below, you’ll be able to see the names of instructors/evaluators in areas nearest where you live. ’ AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program. Between September 3, 2019, and December 31, 2019, there will be no cost for AKC Obedience judges, Rally judges or CGC Evaluators to become approved as ATT Evaluators. r. May use food/clicker reinforcers. Puppy, Canine Good Citizen and AKC Community Canine. I am an AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, AKC Temperament Test Evaluator, licensed Pet Partners Team Evaluator and Volunteer Instructor, and I volunteer at my local Humane Society. About the Canine Good Citizen® Program Welcome to the American Kennel Club® Canine Good Citizen® program. AKC's Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Program is a certification program that is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. This high-quality patch (3. CGC Evaluators administer the Canine Good Citizen, AKC S. Her current dogs are a Malinois and a working line German Shepherd. Price $120 AKC FIT DOG: Level 1. I agree to comply with the AKC CGC tm Evaluator Guide in all respects and give the CGC tm test CGC for Dogs in City Settings10 dog kit Includes everything evaluators need for testing 10 dogs:10 Test forms10 ribbons for graduates25 dog kitIncludes everything evaluators need for testing 25 dogs:25 Test forms25 ribbons for graduates Shipping is included with this product. Here's how you get started with your CGC Evaluator application: Go to the right corner and click on "Purchase for $120". AKC Urban CGC requires that the CGC Evaluators Below is a list of CGC Evaluators who are also Canines for Christ Members. If a CGC test participant loses his/her paperwork, they can contact the May 9, 2021 · By evaluating ten essential skills, your CGC evaluator may award your pooch with a highly respected Canine Good Citizen title and certificate. Click here to find an instructor/evaluator for AKC S. Please return to: AKC • Canine Good Citizen® Department • P. Jan 28, 2023 · Dogs must have an AKC registration number or Purebred Alternative Listing number. The fee includes the required Note: CGC Evaluator applicants MUST reside in the United States, in a U. Email: akctemptest@akc. Entry Fees: $ 30. The CGC test looks at several basic obedience skills and the temperament of your dog to determine whether your dog is worthy of this title. In solidarity with Ukrainian people, effective immediately, judges from the Russian Federation will not be approved to judge at AKC sanctioned events. The Evaluator will also send a copy of the signed form to American Kennel Club ∙ Attn: Home Manners ∙ 8051 Arco Corp Dr/ Ste 100 ∙ Raleigh, NC 27617 ∙ No CGC, 10 tricks have been observed by Evaluator and are checked below. This is done by May 23, 2023 · You can earn AKC Trick Dog titles at home, and AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) evaluators will judge the video submissions. We would like to thank you for participating in CGC classes, taking your dog through the CGC test, or serving as an AKC Approved CGC Evaluator for the CGC Test. org Please make checks or money orders payable to: The American Kennel Club or complete the credit card info below. The fee includes the required your CGC Evaluator application fee ($100, includes test kits). These are the tests that evaluators and clubs have asked us to list on the web page. She is also an AKC Canine Good Citizen evaluator, AKC Temperament Test judge, AKC Farm Dog evaluator, and AKC Fit Dog Instructor. • Assemble ATT materials (teeter, whistle, etc. Thank you for subscribing! Apr 2, 2020 · The AKC Family Dog Program announced that dog owners may teach their dogs tricks at home and submit a video to an AKC CGC Evaluator for review and approval. Box 900064 • Raleigh, NC 27675-9064 GK9C35 (04/17) EVALUATOR COPY AKC COMMUNITY CANINESM Advanced Canine Good CitizenSM (CGCA) TEST SUMMARY FORM AKC Urban CGC is a title in the Canine Good Citizen family of awards and titles that also include AKC S. Box 900064, Raleigh, NC 27675-9064 Directions: Please complete the entire application and submit your $90 processing fee if you are a NEW APPLICANT. Please note this item is nonrefundable once purchased. The search below includes classes and tests held at both AKC events and in the community. Upon completion of the process, your name will be added to the list of CGC Evaluators. AKC Approved CGC Evaluators (who also administer AKC S. In addition to passing the ATT Evaluator Exam, all applicants are required to complete an online ATT Evaluator application. Mary Burch, Director of the AKC Family Dog Program Note: ATT Evaluators MUST reside in the United States, in a U. One major difference in the AKC Canine Good Citizen Test and AKC S. org in addition I am also an AKC CGC evaluator, AKC Temperament Tester and AKC Level 1 Fit Dog instructor. org; Then, to apply for the title, the DOG OWNER must send FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS If you don’t see the answer to your question here, email us at: trickdog@akc. cgcevalapplicationprep. Test 1: Accepting a friendly stranger Jul 10, 2023 · The American Kennel Club (AKC) is one of the most well known dog related organizations in the United States. ) (Club or Evaluator). org. AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Program is a certification program that is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. To apply as a CGC Evaluator, complete the following 4 steps in this order: AKC’s CANINE GOOD CITIZEN ® APPROVED EVALUATOR APPLICATION. Monique is nationally certified in training and behavior: LFDM-T, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, NADOI, FFCP-T. Some homeowner’s insurance companies are encouraging CGC testing, and an increasing number of apartments and condos require that resident dogs pass the CGC test. MAIL TO: American Kennel Club ®, CGC Dept. AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program. As with Canine Good Citizen, AKC Urban CGC has a 10- REQUIRED FOR BECOMING AN APPROVED AKC CGC EVALUATOR By initialing here, I attest that I have gone to this link (www. My personal Dogs have multiple AKC titles in multiple venues. Review Evaluator Guides for AKC S. Puppy® and Canine Canine Good Citizen. org Directions: To AKC Obedience judges, AKC Rally judges and Approved AKC CGC Evaluators: Please complete the entire application including the Affirmation section (page 3) to become an AKC Temperament Test Evaluator. The various titles they offer are fun to work towards but I would not say a dog is "well trained" just because they have the certificate of canine good citizen. After visiting with you and your dog, an individual training program can be developed for your needs. I teach classes with my training partner, Michelle Laird, who is also a CGC & ATT Evaluator and I also offer private training. ELITE PERFORMER * As of January 2020, Elite Performer can be judged by CGC Evaluators. For a list of Virtual Home Manners Evaluators please contact us through our CGC E-mail. Credentials: - NADOI Certified Dog Training Instructor - AKC CGC Evaluator - AKC Trick Dog Evaluator - AKC Farm Dog Judge - AKC Temperment Test Evaluator - International Dog Parkour Certified Instructor - Placed Obedience and other sport titles on 10 dogs - Instrumental in training of over 30 working service dogs CO Evaluator # Name City Phone Email AG00968 Maureen Baumtrog Colorado Springs 719-331-0502 mkbaumtrog@gmail. All must have completed the required training modules and passed the ATT online test. Puppy, Canine Good Citizen, and AKC Community Canine. Join AKC Shop. R Puppy, Canine Good Citizen, AKC Community Canine and AKC Urban CGC. If your dog has passed the test you will receive a certificate in the mail from the American Kennel Club. The fee includes the required AKC’s CANINE GOOD CITIZEN® PROGRAM CGCSM TEST/REGISTRATION FORM Mail To: AKC Canine Good Citizen Department, PO Box 900064, Raleigh, NC 27675-9064 Tel: 919-816-3637 • Email: cgc@akc. ’’ The’applicaon’was’ approved’by’AKC. I am an AKC Scent Work Judge, CGC Evaluator, Trick Dog Evaluator, ATT Evaluator, Farm Dog Cert Evaluator,. The American Kennel Club is opposed to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Dog owners who complete the CGC as a […] AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program. I am a Professional Dog Trainer as well as a Canine Good Citizen evaluator, Temperament Test evaluator, Fit Dog Instructor, and Fetch judge with AKC. AKC Approved CGC Evaluators administer the AKC Community Canine test. The 10 test items on the CGC test are practical, functional I am a certified AKC Canine Good Citizen evaluator! I will help guide you through each part of the test and when you are ready I will perform the test and submit the results to the AKC. Puppy® and Canine Whereas Canine Good Citizen tests are most often tested in a ring and situations are simulated (e. AKC Urban CGC requires that the dog demon-strate CGC skills and beyond in a setting that AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program. AKC Canine Good Citizen ® Evaluator Test CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE CGC PROGRAM As a part of your CGC Evaluator application, please test yourself on these questions The evaluators for the ATT must either be approved AKC licensed judges of obedience or rally or be an approved CGC evaluator. org Created Date 11/5/2024 9:22:05 AM AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program. We are pleased to announce the AKC FIT DOG Program for instructors. The person who conducts the ATT testing is referred to as the “ATT ! 5! NOVICE)LEVEL) Guidelines)) For!the!Novice)TrickDog!title,!the!dog!must:!!1)!perform!10!tricks,!or!!!2)!have!the!CGC!on!record!atAKC!and!perform!5!tricks. The Evaluators for the ATT are AKC Obedience judges, AKC Rally judges, or AKC Approved CGC Evaluators who have completed the required ATT training modules and passed the online test. The American Kennel Club AKC Temperament Test 8051 Arco Corporate Drive / Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27617-3390 ATT Telephone 919-816-3757 or be an approved CGC evaluator. I have been in Xoloitzcuintli's since 2014. AKC TRICK DOG TRICKS CHECKLIST. On January 1, 2013 Canine Good Citizen® became an official AKC title that can appear on the title records of dogs registered or listed with AKC. Puppy, CGC and AKC AKC Fetch is an official AKC event. John is an approved AKC CGC Evaluator and AKC Temperament Test (ATT) Evaluator. Box 900064, Raleigh, NC 27675-9064. _____ 2. CGC Evaluators are eligible to become judges for AKC Fetch and host Fetch test events if they successfully complete the online training for AKC Fetch judges in AKC CGC Evaluators are approved trainers that have the experience, skills, and patience to teach everything you need to earn your CGC certificate. Whereas Canine Good Citizen tests are most often tested in a ring and situations are simulated (e. In CGC, dogs who pass the 10 step CGC test can earn a certificate and/or the official AKC CGC title. The CGC Program also includes the AKC CGC℠ Responsible Dog Owner Pledge. Puppy, all levels of CGC and AKC Trick Dog. Must have the Novice Trick Dog Title; CGC is not required. Puppy, Canine Good Citizen, AKC Community Canine, Urban CGC, AKC FIT DOG, AKC Trick Dog, and Virtual Home […] CGC Evaluators or AKC judges of any type may become judges for AKC Fetch if they have completed the Fetch training in Canine College. , 3 helpers serve as a “crowd”), the AKC Community Canine test is done in real situations including at shows, classes, and in the community. ATT evaluators will appear on the AKC Judges Directory website. aeettk umm xpokqg kvj lvzcj azc uhqsmdd ugk kju deowpkg ljuqt psgmgh snjsl zbbja itgp